You people crack me up!

So you claim....

Kidding, just kidding, running, ducking.

Now go post your first AV in my thread.
*bratcat* said:
whether anal, vaginal or oral sex is best.

I see no point in arguing. I prefer consensus and compromise solutions to sticky dilemnas such as the one you pose.
Very apt, the use of the word "crack" next to *brat's* current av. :D
*bratcat* said:

I have not seen one right guess since I have been here...with the exception of The Great Gnufi Contest...and that was cause I won. :)

If you don't know who they are, then how the fuck do you know those who are suspicious are wrong? You don't.

So? Why start another fucking thread about it.

People are entitled to be suspicious, and they are entitled to bring up that they are to others. If someone blows that out of porportion, like a stupid fucking troll, we are going to defend our rights, and our names. It isn't like we needed a side lecture about it either from you or trolls. At least you don't hide, but it isn't appreciated. Thanks a lot for paying attention though. Well, I mean as best you could, seeing how you have a few issues fucked up in starting this.

This is rock bottom and this is where I get off the fucking train before it derails. Have a nice fucking day.
Re: Re: You people crack me up!

Starfish is on the warpath today.

*bratcat* said:
I will when I get isn't on this computer. hushup before I tie you down and ravish your sexy body.

Ooh! Ooh! *Jumping up and down and waving arms franticly*

...Can I be next?...;)
Paco Chile,
I want that game! It even says "Super excitement on the wild west trail!" on the box! YIPPE I am pumped already.

My birthday is Monday. You know what I want, so don't fail me.
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Re: Re: Re: You people crack me up!

Problem Child said:
Starfish is on the warpath today.

*the scene changes to the Literotica start page. suddenly, it starts on fire in the very center at the same time as the Bonanza theme song starts playing*

how's it going, Hoss?
Is that a platnum shovel in your hand, because either you just dug yourself out of my misunderstanding....BRILLIANTLY and SOLIDLY, or you are going to bury me for being bitchy now?

Which is it?
Starfish said:
Paco Chile,
I want that game! It even says "Super excitement on the wild west trail!" on the box! YIPPE I am pumped already.

My birthday is Monday. You know what I want, so don't fail me.

You get PEZ. That's all. And they're not strawberry, cuz I know you want strawberry.
Bratcat always tries to act the smart one, the mature one

I wish she would shut her mouth

I would quite like to know if someone I like at Lit is actually this Hanns troll
Well, we all have our limitations, but I'd like to see it as you being fine, and my having horrid comprehension lately.
Hiya bratcat, long time no see!

Is there a troll here? I hadn't noticed.

Starfish, like the new av. Tell me about it.
I don't think monkeys do anal.

Therefore it ain't natural.

But if they do, I do, do be do be do.