You Know

A thousand pardons, I am remiss and tardy in my Public Service announcements.:(
I'll consider that schedule, but some people get all whiny (and sometimes downright ugly) when I bring it up and they're not getting any.
I know, but it is a must. I really don't like typing long pm, and then someone box is full.
littlekateyes said:
I know, but it is a must. I really don't like typing long pm, and then someone box is full.

You could always PM me, I never have a full box
littlekateyes said:
I know, but it is a must. I really don't like typing long pm, and then someone box is full.
Yes, that is most annoying. I agree. Problem noted, and I will do what I can.
Re: Re: Re: You Know


You have this whole "Blue" thing going on in your AV, reminds me of that effiel 65 song...."I'm blue ba da dee da....." Or sorta like that whole episode of lost in space with the green lady who fell in love with doctor know...."pretty, smith". I dig it.....sorta like an psychedelic thing goin on. Anyways I don't have much to say, just got back from my college homecoming, and spent the night drinking jager. Haven't done that in a very long time, but hey it was GREAT.....

Sort of feel like like I've been run over by a truck.....I will just sit back and veg awhile now......

thanks for playing
Re: Re: Re: Re: You Know

ridddder said:

You have this whole "Blue" thing going on in your AV, reminds me of that effiel 65 song...."I'm blue ba da dee da....." Or sorta like that whole episode of lost in space with the green lady who fell in love with doctor know...."pretty, smith". I dig it.....sorta like an psychedelic thing goin on. Anyways I don't have much to say, just got back from my college homecoming, and spent the night drinking jager. Haven't done that in a very long time, but hey it was GREAT.....

Sort of feel like like I've been run over by a truck.....I will just sit back and veg awhile now......

thanks for playing

Funny how i have one of your av pics on my computer.

Jaeger? You?

Did the problem clear up yet, or do I need to make a spectacle out of somebody?
Re: Yes, Eumeny

LukkyKnight said:
Didn't you see how this all started?:D box ain't full, so I didn't see a problem. :D

Now I want some Heath! And none o' that chocolate stuff!
I'm sure I have NO idea what you're talking about.
