You know you're Canadian when...


Apr 8, 2002
You know you are Canadian when

you do it doggie style in front of the TV so both of you can see the hockey game.
SaintPeter said:
You know you are Canadian when

you do it doggie style in front of the TV so both of you can see the hockey game.

Resting a beer on her back? :)
I didn't get them...but then again, I am only an American...I LOVE hockey though...does that count for something?:D
*bratcat* said:
Maybe it's cause I am not a full Canadian yet...but I don't bother to pay attention until the final 7 games are played. least you got to see the best team in the world play...

*bratcat* said:
Maybe it's cause I am not a full Canadian yet...but I don't bother to pay attention until the final 7 games are played.

...Got any Canadian in ya?...Would ya like some?...BaDumDum

...sorry...couldn't resist...;)
kidthor said:
:eek: ...There are Canadians who don't like hockey?!...What are ya talkin' aboot, eh?

I have to admit...I am one of THOSE canadians who can't stand HOCKEY. But then again, there are very few sports I can stand..umm..SlamBall comes to mind as one I can stand.

- Stephen
What the heck is poutine? It sounds like poontang,and I don't think you can get that at Burger King :p and isn't a serviette a wet nap?
lickerish said:
What the heck is poutine? It sounds like poontang,and I don't think you can get that at Burger King :p and isn't a serviette a wet nap?

Poutine= gravy fries:p
A serviette is just a napkin. And a poutine is fries with white cheese curds and gravy.