You Know That You're Over Them When...

You watch an ex make out with someone else right in front of you, and are fine with it
One of those memories pop in to your head and do not cause you to stop and daydream
I’m not sure I’ve been in this Lit situation. Maybe it’s my swinger approach to Lit and not a single or cheater in a monogamous relationship approach to it.

if I took a guess it would be lit silence. I.E I don’t acknowledge posts with emojis or likes , don’t post in threads they created or participate in regularly or don’t drop a note to wave hey 👋 with a clever subject line clickbait…lol

We don’t gossip anymore, or hunt the personals making fun of dwebs with lame verbiage in their personal.

I can’t think of one single thing exotic to post about their latest Lit pic other then thanks for sharing.

their squad goals ruined it

I’ve told them “ bye Felicia “
You know that you're over them when:
- Irl you know you're not in love anymore and actually feel good about being with yourself
- Irl when the anger stops. (Yeah, gotta admit, I'm not 100% there yet.)