"You deserve a girlfriend, you do"


Jan 26, 2002
A housemate said that to me at a party on Friday.

I've known that for years :D

What do you think you deserve, that you haven't got?
lots and lots of money

the adoration of millions of screaming fans

and some more money
Better for me to focus on being thankful for what I have as opposed to contemplating what I think I deserve.
What do you think you deserve, that you haven't got? [/B][/QUOTE]

Starblayde said:
A housemate said that to me at a party on Friday.

I've known that for years :D

What do you think you deserve, that you haven't got?

A boyfriend...
Re: Re: "You deserve a girlfriend, you do"

Nicki19 said:
A boyfriend...

Flash that cleavage and you'll have no trouble...

and a pity your not in Old England or i might eb able to sort you out ;)
Franchino said:
starblayde no offence but you sound a bit rude

Ahhhhh, I'm going to step in here a second.
I'm assuing that you're referrng to the 'slap' he offered to deliver. Starblayde was not being rude to her. It's honestly the least he could do and he'd being doing it in the name of many people here at Lit
Re: Re: Re: "You deserve a girlfriend, you do"

juicylips said:
Good answer.

You deserve the best.:kiss:

Thank you.

She is the best. *sigh* She's working ALL day, I'm going to go crazy. :(

4laterer said:
I told you in numerous pm's


but arent all asian chicks bdsm queens with their thigh-high rubber boots?

or have pron movies lied to me? :D
PepperminTrish said:
Ahhhhh, I'm going to step in here a second.
I'm assuing that you're referrng to the 'slap' he offered to deliver. Starblayde was not being rude to her. It's honestly the least he could do and he'd being doing it in the name of many people here at Lit

peperminshish what do you mean making it in the name of everone