You all need a good ass licking.

You all are bad and deserve more lickings. I just can't remember the first ones.
TWB said:
You should be the lickee not the licker, unless the lickee likes tthhhhbbbbttt!!! in their ass.

I promise not to tthhhhbbbttt!!! if you lick my ass.
TWB said:
Sloppy ass licking is fun, though.

I don't think you really caught my meaning.

Or... maybe you did. lol

Tongue-sloppy is good.

I'll stop there.
Re: Re: You all need a good ass licking.

sweetsubsarahh said:
I know I do . . .things around here have been too busy lately. *sigh*

Things are pretty bad when you are too busy for a little nookie or a tthhhhbbbbttt!!! or two.
*Hugs red_rose* Because she is too cool and I can.:D :p
TWB said:
Better lie me down. I think my knees are too weak to give you a lick with any accuracy. :p

But if I lie you down and straddle your face... that would leave me leaning forward with *my* face down near your...


Lie down.