Yo! Lovey!



Whats up with all the commercials for REPTILE DYSFUNCTION? Lotsa limp snakes? Too many lounge lizards in America?
With all the Boomers and the Woodstock Generation folks goin' over the hill, havin' a collapsing cock's become a major concern and the drug companies and OTC manufacturers are having a field day sellin' their pills, potions, unguents, salves, prick pumps and other enhancements to a pantin' late middle aged public.

Tinkerin' with your trouser snake's become a million dollar business and some nitwits are even buyin' a supposed extract of Spanish Fly off the net, no kiddin'. :rolleyes:

Once again, ol' P.T. Barnum was right. :D
Its not limited to the older men they show on commercials.

Want to know who's really taking viagra?

Men in their twenties and thirties who shouldn't need it. They order it through Canadian Pharmacies and to add some extra "pop" and go another round with the hot 20 year olds they're trying to score at all the clubs.

Viagra and red bull/vodka are a popular club mix.

The ironic thing is they say not to take Viagra if you have a heart condition. Enough red bull and Viagra will give you one.

My wife bitches that every other commercial during football is for ED meds.

I tell her this is payback for all those years we endured those Massengill commercials "MOm you ever have that not so fresh feeling?"
I remember the very first time I saw an ED ad...


I must have been about twelve, old enough to know the facts of life but not nearly enough to be comfortable. There was this commercial with a grey-haired gent and his lovely blonde wife, laughing, holding hands, having a romantic candlelit dinner, walking on the beach, etc. While a calm male voice narrated vaguely. I had no idea what was going on. Didn't much care.

Then there was that part at the end, where in a low auctioneer voice they have to tell you all of the horrible ways you can suffer if you take the drug. I was listening to the regular things about how you should ask your doctor if you have heart conditions, whatever. Then the auctioneer voice said.

"Call your doctor immediately if you have an erection that lasts more than four hours."

I was horrified. :D
I think the TV commercials jumped that shark with the commercial of the couple in separate bathtubs on the beach, holding hands.
So a thread related story.

My cousin has diabetes so he has some issues with getting it up. He got some viagra from his doctor and one day says "oh, you gotta try this" I told him I didn;t need it and he insists it will just add to things and I'll be able to go on and on etc...

So, I'm like, okay why not? Its not like I haven't tried anything else that goes along with sex, so he gives me a 100 MG tablet and that saturday afternoon the wife and I go to lunch and we were planning on fucking around when we got home

so I take the pill just before we eat. Now here is the thing, I don;t know anything about it and I guess 50mg is a regular dose and if you're like me with no issues .25 will give you a boost

so I take the whole pill.

Within twenty minutes, I'm flushed, my ears are red and not even thinking about sex, lets just say the desired affect took hold.

Big time, I ate dinner with a damn hard on and the frigging thing wouldn't go down. It was winter and when we left I had to have my jacket folded over my arm in front of my crotch.

I will say that once we got home, holy shit, but I was also sweating by then and my sinus's were throbbing to beat the band.

All kidding aside, those side effects are no joke, if someone had a heart condition it would probably cause you to blow a gasket.
Knew a guy who dropped dead from using Viagra. (Heart condition.) Don't feel too sorry for him, but I do for his wife, since he was in a hotel room with his mistress at the time. That will fuck up the grieving process some.
Note to men: A good woman will not care if you can get it up or not, as long as you are good at doing other things with hands and tongue.

However, it must blow, when a man is on the recieving end of some really nice attentions and it won't go up. Does that mean there is no happy ending for the man?

Is that why men want the little blue pill?
Note to men: A good woman will not care if you can get it up or not, as long as you are good at doing other things with hands and tongue.

However, it must blow, when a man is on the recieving end of some really nice attentions and it won't go up. Does that mean there is no happy ending for the man?

Is that why men want the little blue pill?

Getting it up and "being ready" is another "man's" thing. If they are not instantly ready for action they are not a man.

problem is a lot of an erection is mental and the second you start to wonder "will it?" than it won't.

I remember after my divorce. I'd been with my first wife 8 years and we had a lot of issues in bed at the end and for the 1st time in my life I was lacking confidence. I'd met a woman and we hit it off and I actually ducked her a coupel fo times when she wanted to me to come in after a date.

I get to the point I have to try and I couldn't. I took my time on her and she seemed thrilled, but once she came I still couldn't and was a little upset.

she told to relax and started going down on me. I still wasn;t responding, because now I'm annoyed and embarrassed, so she looks up at me and smiles and says "Don;t worry, sucking a hard cock is great, but its s turn on to start soft and feel them get hard."

she then started again and really did seem to be into it and as soon as I thought she was into it, next thing you know, it happened as it should. But the thing with that is not all women are that patient.

It happened once with my current wife when I was stressed out of my mind with soemthings and she did pretty much the same thing, but made me laugh because she looked at me totally serious and said, "No worries I'm a fluffer!"
Note to men: A good woman will not care if you can get it up or not, as long as you are good at doing other things with hands and tongue.

However, it must blow, when a man is on the recieving end of some really nice attentions and it won't go up. Does that mean there is no happy ending for the man?

Is that why men want the little blue pill?

Well, yes, sadly but truthfully, I think, the man is in it for the ejaculation. If he can't do that, there isn't much point. And doing all of those things for it to be good for the woman--for most men, I think, that is only an adjunct to him getting an ejaculation. Most men, I think, will not be satisfied with a mental ejaculation just with seeing that the woman has a good time. That's sort of a Donna Reedish picture.
Well, yes, sadly but truthfully, I think, the man is in it for the ejaculation. If he can't do that, there isn't much point. And doing all of those things for it to be good for the woman--for most men, I think, that is only an adjunct to him getting an ejaculation. Most men, I think, will not be satisfied with a mental ejaculation just with seeing that the woman has a good time. That's sort of a Donna Reedish picture.

Hmm. Okay.
Hmm. Okay.

Funny thing is that I'm now writing a GM Valentine's Day story pretty much on this point. I have a character strongly asserting that, with the male (and in the story context, particularly the male-on-male relationship), cupid doesn't go for the heart; he has to aim a bit lower.
Funny thing is that I'm now writing a GM Valentine's Day story pretty much on this point. I have a character strongly asserting that, with the male (and in the story context, particularly the male-on-male relationship), cupid doesn't go for the heart; he has to aim a bit lower.

So you're saying that you're writing a story about two guys who can't get it up? and the conflict that is created between the two would be lovers (who may have had a romantic past with eachother?) Or one of them can't get it up and the frustration for the both of them?

Or cupid can't get his love arrow up, and that spoils it for all parties involved? (Im being funny serious here.)

Although GM is not my bag, This story may interest me.
So you're saying that you're writing a story about two guys who can't get it up?

Uh, no. I'm writing a story that, as one element, has a guy (who prefers older guys) saying he must go celibate because the love of his life has bitten the dust and another, very direct guy, who wants to get in the first guy's pants, pitching the philosophy that in a female-male relationship, love--and the adjunct cooing--is important to good sex, but that in a male-male coupling it's not love that motivates good sex but a dick, a hole, friction, and an ejaculation (hence my comment on this thread. The guy suggests that this is actually what all males are looking for but that the females won't give out if the males admit to that). The story is about guy one falling for this and having to be brought back from the brink by someone else. It will be a Valentine's Day contest story and is titled "Lower Than the Heart." And of course it won't win anything.

I don't suggest you read it, because it's chock-a-block with very graphic gay sex scenes. My goal is to write literary porn.
Uh, no. I'm writing a story that, as one element, has a guy (who prefers older guys) saying he must go celibate because the love of his life has bitten the dust and another, very direct guy, who wants to get in the first guy's pants, pitching the philosophy that in a female-male relationship, love--and the adjunct cooing--is important to good sex, but that in a male-male coupling it's not love that motivates good sex but a dick, a hole, friction, and an ejaculation (hence my comment on this thread. The guy suggests that this is actually what all males are looking for but that the females won't give out if the males admit to that). The story is about guy one falling for this and having to be brought back from the brink by someone else. It will be a Valentine's Day contest story and is titled "Lower Than the Heart." And of course it won't win anything.

I don't suggest you read it, because it's chock-a-block with very graphic gay sex scenes. My goal is to write literary porn.

:nana: literary porn. love it. :D

send me a link when you write it. I'll give it a looksie.