

Really Really Experienced
Feb 25, 2003
I lost my virginity here and didn't even notice!! When did that happen? 51 more posts and I can sit with the grownups..:nana: :nana: :nana:
losing virginity AGAIN

I was a bit melancholoy when mine went out the door. All I could think was ...I ate allll those cherries. Se le vie. Congrats on your loss. Another 49 posts and you can post an avatar. Good luck. ~M~
Don't feel bad. For a lot of us girls, losing our virginity was a non-event: "That's what all that fuss was about?"
I just want to have a cool pic like everyone else. LOL How many posts do you have to have before I can have one?
MistyBluEyes said:
I just want to have a cool pic like everyone else. LOL How many posts do you have to have before I can have one?

You need 100. You only have 78 more to go....::starts to sing 78 posts left to go 78 posts left...lets look in this thread oops it is 77 now to go:: ~M~
hotstik69 said:
I lost my virginity here and didn't even notice!! When did that happen? 51 more posts and I can sit with the grownups..:

Grownups on LIt ?
If y'all are having to ask these questions, i must have been missing some newbies.

Hi, and welcome to lit.

Here's my standard, WTL information. Use what you can, feel free to ignore the rest.

After 30 posts, you lose that virgin tag.
After 100 posts, you can have an avatar of your own. There are at least 50 threads if you need help finding one.
After 1000 posts, you can create your own title.

This thread has some information you should read http://www.literotica.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=50634 The first post is frequently updated so you’ll know the latest info.

Also, please look at the following thread about one of the more prolific imposters here http://www.literotica.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=97398

This thread has a few things that can help us ALL enjoy lit more.


Sometime within your first day here, you’ll see a post about Magic. Magic is the unofficial Lit pubic hair remover. Thanks to our very own Cheyenne, we have thrown razors away. Here’s a couple of links to useful threads.



Lit Annon meetings are on Thursdays at 9 pm. If you ever feel the need to attend, please report back to us and let us know what happens there. There are some of us curious about the proceedings but we haven't been able to stop posting long enough to attend. :D
MistyBluEyes said:
5 more posts and I lose my virginity (again) WOOHOO!!

It isn't the fanfare you think. No balloons falling. No snazzy dresser congratulating you. Just us going hey congrats! ~M~

I thought ignore was for the mindless people who write rubish... oh that is a grump.
Aww...no big deal? And here I was thinking about losing my virginity and getting all hot. *grins* Not really.
MystiqDrgn said:
It isn't the fanfare you think. No balloons falling. No snazzy dresser congratulating you. Just us going hey congrats! ~M~

I thought ignore was for the mindless people who write rubish... oh that is a grump.

mindless people who write rubish... = grownups
Good definition
MistyBluEyes said:
Aww...no big deal? And here I was thinking about losing my virginity and getting all hot. *grins* Not really.

I suppose it is all in the person's post that drove you to 30::laughs::

If you go to the forum, let us know. ~M~
Here is the lowdown on a timeline

morninggirl5 said:
If y'all are having to ask these questions, i must have been missing some newbies.

Hi, and welcome to lit.

Here's my standard, WTL information. Use what you can, feel free to ignore the rest.

After 30 posts, you lose that virgin tag.
After 100 posts, you can have an avatar of your own. There are at least 50 threads if you need help finding one.
After 1000 posts, you can create your own title.

This thread has some information you should read http://www.literotica.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=50634 The first post is frequently updated so you’ll know the latest info.

Also, please look at the following thread about one of the more prolific imposters here http://www.literotica.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=97398

This thread has a few things that can help us ALL enjoy lit more.


Sometime within your first day here, you’ll see a post about Magic. Magic is the unofficial Lit pubic hair remover. Thanks to our very own Cheyenne, we have thrown razors away. Here’s a couple of links to useful threads.



Lit Annon meetings are on Thursdays at 9 pm. If you ever feel the need to attend, please report back to us and let us know what happens there. There are some of us curious about the proceedings but we haven't been able to stop posting long enough to attend. :D

I couldn't say it any better. Hope it helps. ~M~
Re: Re: Here is the lowdown on a timeline

SeXyGuRLiE6969 said:
thank you MystiqDrgn

Anytime sweetie. I am keeping that thread on a favorite just incase there are other who need the timeline. Only yesterday did I find several threads regarding new persons to lit. I know it was insightful to me. Anytime you have a question, don't be afraid to ask. Everyone here is very helpful ( a bit sarcastic in fun at times) but when it comes down to it. They are a great group of people.
