Yesterday I went to the festival


Monkey God
Sep 23, 2002
Yesterday I spent the day in del-ray beach.
Attending the garlic festival.
It cost 7 dollars for the dubious pleasure of walking around all the shopping stands, and another 15 dollars if you wanted to go to the concert area.

While I was there, I noticed, much to my amusement, a democratic party booth set up. They had hippies (no shit- Tie died shirt, sandal wearing, beads in their hair hippies) out dancing around, singing "Like five dollars will keep you out of the sun man, donate and get this killer umbrella shade thing." a beach bum behind a picnic table, and a bunch of teenage kids dressed up in M&M costumes handing out flyers.

I don't know about you, but damned if thats the kind of image I would want to convey if I was a democrat (Im a libertarian).
Shoot. I forgot to get garlic when I was at the store earlier.
It takes all types - I'd rather have them involved than apathetic. It would be a rather bland day if we only had two internally-homogenous political parties.
Mischka said:
It takes all types - I'd rather have them involved in my gang rape than apathetic. It would be a rather bland day if we only had two interatial-gang bang parties.
Mischka said:
It takes all types - I'd rather have them involved than apathetic. It would be a rather bland day if we only had two internally-homogenous political parties.

I totally agree with you on this, Mischka! Getting involved is much better thatn not giving a shit! :)