Yes, There Really are "Unilateral Actions!"



While members-states of the United Nations dicker over more proof of Iraq's possessions of weapons of mass destruction and more time for Iraq to destroy WMD's and other illegal weapons of aggression, the UN inaction increasingly placed the United States and the entire world in grave danger of Iraq's megalomaniac in charge, Saddam Hussein. It was good, and made me proud, to see President George Bush demean the UN's weak kneed appleasement attiude towards Iraqi leadership and announce "Amercia Demands" that Saddam goes into exile or face the dire consequences. The questions is would Saddam use biological/chemical weapons of mass destruction against our troops, this would Applease some members of the UN need for more "proof" of saddams possessions of WMD.
LOL! You think thats unilateral? In one of his last major decisions as president, Nixon announced the that the US would unilaterally begin destroying our stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons.

The world sat back, didn't believe us and the soviets beefed up their chemical and bio weapon development figuring we were lying.

Now, the old Rocky Mountain Arsenal, once the major depot of chemical and bio weapons has been turned over to the Colorado national guard as a base, and most of the weapons are in an New Mexico destruction facility. And of whats left of that stuff is no longer in a deployable form.

The US is used to taking action without the approval of the rest of the world. Panama, Grenada, Vietnam. Its something that shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.

However that answer mat not pan out, though, now would be a good time to make the delivery of the following message, "If the UN will not support the U.S., the U.S. will no longer support the UN." And the U.S. should make it clear it will no longer sustain unanswered attacks against its civilians, military, and embassies by Al Queda or any other terrorist group. And while many of the UN's member states will naturally accuse the U.S. of imperialism, or worst, it should be made abundantly clear that the UN's prime agenda has little to do with ensuring world peace and everything to do with establishing itself as a unelected, socialistic, power hungry world goverment. And what the U.S. would normally spend endorsing and supporting this useless bureaucratic monolith will be much better invested in a Iraqi leadership more rational and friendly (both to the Iraqi people and the rest of the world.)
Whatever, the US hasnt paid its UN dues in the last ten years.

And all this crap about "if the UN wont support the US, then the US wont support the UN" smacks of grade four "I'm taking my toys and going home".

And again, Iraq stated that it had no WMD. The US said prove it. Iraq allowed inspectors back in and they couldnt find any. The US says thats because your hiding them. I remember a bully in public school that used to ask for lunch money. If you didnt have any he'd say you were lying and beat you up. A role model of American foriegn policy I'd say.

Am I saying that Iraq doesnt have WMD. No. But without concrete proof...the argument doesnt hold water.
Did the US go to war because of the WMD that they couldnt find and couldnt prove existed or not? Nope. they "officially" went to war because Saddam did not leave the country by a certain arbitrary date. Has the US been able to provide one shred of credibility to this scam of a war? Well, I'm watching the same CNN you are and I havent seen it yet.

I support your soldiers and wish them well.

It's your government I have no faith in.
Such a decisive move would also give notice to nations supporting terrorist that, while the UN may knuckle under to such uncililized behavior, they best be wary of us. Of course, the liberal mainstream media, in concert with the socialist UN, will condem such a move as "short sighted war mongering" or words to that effect. But the mainstream media and liberial establishment have been anti-Amercian for so long they simply refuse the need for Amercian self preservation or self defense, either individual or national. Accordingly, thier views of cooperative effort or multinational responce have rendered unilateralism a sin, or worst, no matter what the consequences to life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness.
breakwall said:
Whatever, the US hasnt paid its UN dues in the last ten years.

And all this crap about "if the UN wont support the US, then the US wont support the UN" smacks of grade four "I'm taking my toys and going home".

And again, Iraq stated that it had no WMD. The US said prove it. Iraq allowed inspectors back in and they couldnt find any. The US says thats because your hiding them. I remember a bully in public school that used to ask for lunch money. If you didnt have any he'd say you were lying and beat you up. A role model of American foriegn policy I'd say.

Am I saying that Iraq doesnt have WMD. No. But without concrete proof...the argument doesnt hold water.
Did the US go to war because of the WMD that they couldnt find and couldnt prove existed or not? Nope. they "officially" went to war because Saddam did not leave the country by a certain arbitrary date. Has the US been able to provide one shred of credibility to this scam of a war? Well, I'm watching the same CNN you are and I havent seen it yet.

I support your soldiers and wish them well.

It's your government I have no faith in.

Then you didn't see the news earlier today when found in the tigis river were found elements of mustard gas and cynide
I found the articles about them finding white explosive powder and antidotal agents, and empty bottles. But nothing about Cyanide or Mustard Gas... the articles I found were in Britain's Guardian and the Seattle Post Intelligencer.

Gotta Link?

Maybe there are WMD in Iraq. Or maybe the US is so desperate to save face...well...I don't put anything beyond the scruples of the US Government these days.