Yep Emm is all know the silly one

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Morning Sexy Emmy,

You know I love to help resize anything you need help with.. hmm help her resize her nipples,,, lick..bite ..suckle... her clit lick lick suck suck bite..hehe suck lick tounge rub ..rosebud kiss lick tongue .. OMG heaven drink her juices...

wait resize pictures sure can do that too.

hugs :kiss::heart: love you


I know, but that I can do, only the time is euhmmm slipping away to be here a lot....
:heart:YOU to my Fred.

Ooo la la.....I'm just wondering what the next picture in this series entails?

Euhm 4th of July pics :D
You know very very silly ones ;)
I would so cum right down and help, but Im afraid if I did we would just add more to the wet mess. :D Which would not end up being a help. :D

That sucks!! This rain sucks!! I wish it would go out West where its needed dammit!

MMMM and so would love to make a wet mess with YOU.
Ohhh it would have helped :D:devil:
I know at least right now I m sitting outside and its a great 4th of July.
And the smell is better here.....;)
ASSIE :devil:

Hope the water has stopped? That everything is ok?

WOW sexy as hell and still sharing thru all this WOW

hugs :kiss::kiss::heart: love you


Thanks my Fred, everything is fine, was just a big clean up......and repacking stuff.
MMMM glad you loved that pic.
:heart: you to
Hi Emmy, I would love to cum , I mean come and help except U would be done by time I get there due to distance. But if I could ever go down on you:devil:, I mean come down to where you are I would do so in a minute;)

MMMMM come and cum all works for me....
LOL this so made me laugh. Hope you will post more.
mmmmmm ... I love your short shorts ... but it's so tempting to unbutton them ... :kiss: :devil: :kiss:
(sorry to hear about your basement -- I'd help you if I could -- do you have a sump pump?)

MMMM no buttons, you will just have to pull them down , no hands:D:devil:
we have a pump, but it was such a down poor that it could not take the water fast enough :devil:
Ugh Emmy! I am sorry about you house! This has been a miserably wet spring and beginning to summer. :(

I know, but its a great 4th of July day...... and so hoping you and your Juan are having a wonderful family day and later on a naughty night with your Juan, don't forget the camera.....:D
Nice pic. Sorry about the flooding, I think that was our rainwater you got :rolleyes:
I'd offer to help but I'm a little too far away ;) I hope you can minimize the damage.

Yeah think so to.....:confused:
I did, but thank you, so sweet of YOU :kiss::kiss::kiss:
Yuck, a flooded basement can really make a mess. Hope you don't lose too much.

Thanks Art, it was a big clean up , repacking but minimal damage, just not real fun to do....ohhh well shit happens lol.
Hope your doing great my sexy friend.
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