Yeah, everyone tells me I look butch.


Come What May
Jun 20, 2000
First person to ask me if I’m a guy gets their ass beat down. :)
You're cute, but then I'm into transgendered, butch-looking females.
I right clicked on the picture.. and looked at the file name.

Do you have a masculine name, Never?
Siren said:
i think you now look blank

So do I (although I did catch the pic, I'm just slow goin' with this lack of mouse situation here).

I think that av was far too short-lived.
I am getting awefully fucking tired of waiting to see a photo of Never.

2 fucking years is long enough.

That is not a hint, it is an order.
"I right clicked on the picture.. and looked at the file name.

Do you have a masculine name, Never?"

No, my name is not Chad. My name is quite female sounding and rather unique. Chad is a nickname of sorts, I knew what comments I would get if I put that picture up..

Yeah, yeah. Yuk it up people. It really doesn't bother me that much.
Never said:

Yeah, yeah. Yuk it up people. It really doesn't bother me that much.

Okay... um. Never? First off, I would kill for your complexion.

Now I'd like to see a pic of you smiling. ;)

(Fishie - Neener, neener, neener.... hahaha)
Never, I feel bad for you. :( It was a very nice picture in all sincerity. You are very attractive. (Sorry fishie I didn't save it although I thought about it)
Never put up a pic and I missed it?


*bangs head against wall*
heh. Ah, karma bites my ass yet again. Except that a Never pic is worth 20 Laurel pics, easy.
Bloody hell. :mad:

A Never pic and I missed it. See if I teach any more nieces or nephews the submarine song.