Yana's Tale


Really Experienced
Apr 15, 2002
Our men fought bravely, but they were farmers and tradesmen. Against the savage raiders they were helpless. They were slaughtered where they stood. All was lost.

The women and the children were herded into the town square. We were all terrified. We knew our fate. We were the spoils of war. The young and healthy would be raped and enslaved. The others would be raped and killed.

I am Yana. I was just entering my eighteenth summer. I was tall and I was slim, with hair the color of sun and eyes as clear and blue as crystal. I was ready to be partnered, but I was still untouched. Many desired me, and the Elders were deliberate in matching me.

Now it would never be.
I would be taken.
I would be used.
In my dispair I found I lacked the courage to kill myself. Perhaps after.

We stood for hours and waited while the last men were hunted down. Finally, when the last throat was cut, they came for us.

We were lined up. There were so many beautiful women in our village. But all eyes were on me.

The Warlord pointed at me, and I was dragged forward. I didn't struggle. I knew it would be useless.

The Warlord dismounted and stood over me.
The Warlord removed the demonic helmet.
I gasped.
The Warlord was a woman.
I looked around at the other raiders. How could we have missed it?
Suddenly, I was confused. What use would a woman have for another woman. While I pondered this, the Warlord reached down and bound my wrists together. With surprising ease she picked me up and placed me across her horse. Then she mounted and together we rode away....
Hope you don't mind. This looked interesting


I scanned the group of the beauties as the last man was killed. So many, but one with locks of gold cought my eye.

I removed my helmet and heard the gasps from the encaptured. My raven locks spilled from where they were trapped in the helmet down to my waist.

I towered over the one beauty I sought out as mine and motioned for the rest to be uesed at will.

Quickly I bound her wrists and flung her over my horse. I jumped up behind her holding her tight to me as we ride off to camp just over the hill.

"You are mine now" I wisper in her ear gently kissing her delicate neck.

Once there I dismount and slide her off into my arms.

I call to the women at the stream "Ths is my new prise. Bather her and bring her to my tent." I hollar at them pushing her into their care.

I walk back to my tent and change out of the armour that has entrapped my body all day changing into a lighter robe and comb my hair out. I lay back on my be and wait for my beauty.

OOC: I hope this is what you are looking for

She speaks to me as we ride through the night. I do not understand her words, but her meaning is clear. She desires me as a man desires a woman. Yet a woman cannot desire another woman. Such feelings are unnatural.

Aren't they?

I could not deny feeling.... something.... from the moment I first saw her standing over me.

A tingle.

A fire.

More Goddess than woman.
Perhaps that was the explanation.
Legends told of the strange desires of the Creators.
Could my captor have descended from some higher realm?

I feel her horse slow, and I know we have reached our destination. In the firelight I can see a seemingly endless stretch of crude tents. It does not seem like paradise.
My captor lifts me off the horse and sets me gently on the ground. Instantly a group of women swarm over us. My captor says something before she disappears into a tent.

The women drag me away toward the river. They untie me and start pulling at my clothes. I push them away. They glower at me until I raise my hands in a gesture of submission. Then I slip out of my by-now ragged dress and step into the frigid river. My nipples harden, and I blush with shame, but it is good to feel clean again. I start to wash myself. I take my time. They do not rush me.

When I feel myself again, I step out of the water. Thery are waiting for me with towels. They dry me. One takes a brush and runs it through my thick golden mane.

I look for my clothes, but they seem to have been discarded. No replacements are offered. It is clear how I am to be presented. They bind my wrists again and lead me back to the tent.

I enter and find my Goddess waiting. I kneel and wait.

I don't wait long...

I watch as my prise enters into the tent and kneals. I stand from where I had been waiting and walk towards her towering over her small form. I unsheath my sword quickly and cut the bindings around her wrists quickly with one movement.

"I know you won't run little one" I run my fingers through he golden mane gently gripping it in my fingers and pulling her up to her feet by it. I pull her to me wrapping one arm around her waist it;; she is only but one inch away.

"Tell me your name child and tell me one other thing....Do you fear me? There is no need to." I held her tight waiting for a response as I burried my face in her neck kissing and nipping my delicacy of it.

She draws her blade and I flinch. Is this how it ends? I do not ever have time to pray. I close my eyes and wait.

Instead of killing me, however, she uses her weapon to free me. I open my eyes. Tears flood out of them. I am frightened, and I am confused. My body begins to tremble.

My captor takes a step toward me and places her arms around me. I am stunned at her tenderness. I remember my first sight of her hands, sticky and gleaming with the blood of my people.

I am tall for a woman, at least among those I've known. Yet I am like a child in her embrace. Her arms are strong. Her body is firm. Against my will I find myself relaxing against her.

She whispers to me. Though I do not understand her words, I see the question in her eyes.

"Yana," I say. "I am Yana."

"Yana," she repeats. She does not quite get the accent right, so I correct her. This time it is perfect, and I smile at her. Her face lights up as she whispers my name and enfolds me even tighter. She brushes my neck with her soft lips, and I gasp. No one has ever touched me like this before. I fear I will die if she stops.

But she does, and I almost do.

She reaches out a hand and brushes my cheek with the back of it. Then she points to herself and says a single word.


"Inga," I repeat. She nods.
"Yana," she says. I nod. Like chldren we say the names over and over again. It only stops when Inga lowers her lips to mine and gives me my first true kiss.

We play around for awhile with each others names for a while before it is time. I leave he standing where she is as I turn back towards where my belongings are. I take out a thin but strong collar studded with small jewels and make my way back to her. I let my arms embrace her once more before letting the collar find it's way around her neck.

"You are mine now my dear, you are safe." I look her in they eyes to let her know that things are fine.

I reach down and caress one of her full breasts in my hand letting my fingers wander ofver her nipple. I lean back in takingher face in my hands and let my lips finde hers.

My nipples are on fire as she cups my breast. Her hands are rough but her touch is tender. We kiss and kiss again. Our tongues dance. When she breaks our kiss my heart breaks, but then she hooks a finger beneath my collar and drags me toward the bed. I know our night is only beginning.

I am so frightened I start to tremble. Inga looks alarmed at my fear. I suddenly realize she thinks I am afraid of her.

I am not.

I am afraid of myself. Of my inability to please her. I wish I had the words to tell her this. Since I don't, I communicate the only way I know how.

I take her hand in mine and place a soft kiss on the inside of her wrist. I kiss her palm. Then I in turn kiss each of her fingertips.

When I am finished, I take her hand and place it between my legs, offering myself to her completely.

She owns me.
The collar around my neck is a clear symbol of that.
What I need her to know is that I come willingly.

As her strong fingers begin to explore me I know that my message has been clearly received...