Our men fought bravely, but they were farmers and tradesmen. Against the savage raiders they were helpless. They were slaughtered where they stood. All was lost.
The women and the children were herded into the town square. We were all terrified. We knew our fate. We were the spoils of war. The young and healthy would be raped and enslaved. The others would be raped and killed.
I am Yana. I was just entering my eighteenth summer. I was tall and I was slim, with hair the color of sun and eyes as clear and blue as crystal. I was ready to be partnered, but I was still untouched. Many desired me, and the Elders were deliberate in matching me.
Now it would never be.
I would be taken.
I would be used.
In my dispair I found I lacked the courage to kill myself. Perhaps after.
We stood for hours and waited while the last men were hunted down. Finally, when the last throat was cut, they came for us.
We were lined up. There were so many beautiful women in our village. But all eyes were on me.
The Warlord pointed at me, and I was dragged forward. I didn't struggle. I knew it would be useless.
The Warlord dismounted and stood over me.
The Warlord removed the demonic helmet.
I gasped.
The Warlord was a woman.
I looked around at the other raiders. How could we have missed it?
Suddenly, I was confused. What use would a woman have for another woman. While I pondered this, the Warlord reached down and bound my wrists together. With surprising ease she picked me up and placed me across her horse. Then she mounted and together we rode away....
The women and the children were herded into the town square. We were all terrified. We knew our fate. We were the spoils of war. The young and healthy would be raped and enslaved. The others would be raped and killed.
I am Yana. I was just entering my eighteenth summer. I was tall and I was slim, with hair the color of sun and eyes as clear and blue as crystal. I was ready to be partnered, but I was still untouched. Many desired me, and the Elders were deliberate in matching me.
Now it would never be.
I would be taken.
I would be used.
In my dispair I found I lacked the courage to kill myself. Perhaps after.
We stood for hours and waited while the last men were hunted down. Finally, when the last throat was cut, they came for us.
We were lined up. There were so many beautiful women in our village. But all eyes were on me.
The Warlord pointed at me, and I was dragged forward. I didn't struggle. I knew it would be useless.
The Warlord dismounted and stood over me.
The Warlord removed the demonic helmet.
I gasped.
The Warlord was a woman.
I looked around at the other raiders. How could we have missed it?
Suddenly, I was confused. What use would a woman have for another woman. While I pondered this, the Warlord reached down and bound my wrists together. With surprising ease she picked me up and placed me across her horse. Then she mounted and together we rode away....