Ya know, it's gotten so that whenever I see an UNREGISTERED has just post'd on a

I hate unregistered, i cant even look at the drivel they spew forth. horrible simply horrible.
I'm always disappointed when an Unreg turns out to be just a litster who got timed out or something.
We have an unreg floating around at the moment who seems to want to join in but is a bit wary of us all.
i was never an unregistered poster. unregistered yes but i only lurked. never posted, when i felt like i had something to say i registered.
When I first got here I thought unregistered was a person and I thought geeze this guy posts a lot. ;)
Sometimes someone posts unreg because it is not a topic they feel comfortable putting their user name to if a regular poster. I can understand that. People sometimes want answers to things and they feel less embarsed posting unreg.

But the regular posters that unreg themselves just to troll are spineless gutless people.
I like the sound of that. did you paint that picture I thnk I remember someone saying you were an artist or something along those lines.