X / Twitter handles

Elon Musk, abbreviated EM.
EmilyMiller, abbreviated EM.
Emily, shortened to EM.
It’s a conspiracy! Don’t share anything with them. They just want to get their toes in the door and pretty soon the EMs of the world will control us all. And even EMTs won’t be able to save us because they’ll be part of the dark state. 🤪
X still sounds so tacky. Elon Musk is a fool for changing the name!
I'm glad they retired the cute little blue bird. It didn't deserve to be associated with all the hate over there. Its a giant version of the cesspool politics forum here.
Elon Musk, abbreviated EM.
EmilyMiller, abbreviated EM.
Emily, shortened to EM.
It’s a conspiracy! Don’t share anything with them. They just want to get their toes in the door and pretty soon the EMs of the world will control us all. And even EMTs won’t be able to save us because they’ll be part of the dark state. 🤪
Oh fuck! You outed me. Yes I am Elon. You always knew, right?

X still sounds so tacky. Elon Musk is a fool for changing the name!
The place is tacky. The algorithm is certifiable. The software is flaky as fuck. I don’t use my RL X at all.

I view it solely as a way to connect with other Lit authors, some of whom aren’t on our tiny little slice of the site.

Just a warning that if you put your link here, you're giving it to the trolls who ghost the forum. They have alts here and I'm sure burner type accounts on X they use to troll.

I suggest exchanging these links via PM.

Sad but I feel necessary PSA over.