X-Box emulator for PC


Mar 30, 2001
Anyone here got one. Know of where one can be had, downloaded etc. I SO wanna play Halo on my PC, but I'll never buy a toy game console...waste of money in my eyes....

If you know of an emulator to be had...post a link...

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the thought of the processing power needed to give that game justice makes Helga (my computer. yes, i named my puter, you got a fucking problem with that?) sudder and cringe.

that happens when i look at most new games, but Halo especially.
Draco said:
Anyone here got one. Know of where one can be had, downloaded etc. I SO wanna play Halo on my PC, but I'll never by a toy game console...waste of money in my eyes....

If you know of an emulator to be had...post a link...


Just rang work and I should be able to make Halo disappear for a week. It needs "resurfacing"... nudge nudge wink wink.;)

You get the emulator... I'll get the disc.
SweetCherry said:
Wolfie! Good to see you back.


Hey there sweet lady! It's good to be back! This machine is rocket powered on the net. Now all I need is a new screen and a faster set of typing fingers.:D :cool: :nana:
Re: Re: X-Box emulator for PC

kiwiwolf said:
Just rang work and I should be able to make Halo disappear for a week. It needs "resurfacing"... nudge nudge wink wink.;)

You get the emulator... I'll get the disc.

Dude...if i wasn't straight..I'd kiss ya...then again...might still do that...given enuff vodka...:D
Re: Re: Re: X-Box emulator for PC

Draco said:
Dude...if i wasn't straight..I'd kiss ya...then again...might still do that...given enuff vodka...:D


scylis said:
the thought of the processing power needed to give that game justice makes Helga (my computer. yes, i named my puter, you got a fucking problem with that?) sudder and cringe.

that happens when i look at most new games, but Halo especially.

Helga....??? LOL..I think my XP2000+ with 512 DDR and GF4 can just cope.
Re: Re: Re: Re: X-Box emulator for PC

SweetCherry said:


Something amused you..my dear...?
Be nice, and you might benefit from the vodka too....:p
Re: Re: Re: X-Box emulator for PC

Draco said:
Dude...if i wasn't straight..I'd kiss ya...then again...might still do that...given enuff vodka...:D

Shave first... LMAO
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: X-Box emulator for PC

Draco said:
Something amused you..my dear...?
Be nice, and you might benefit from the vodka too....:p

Did I say anything?
