WWE fans or anyone who has seen Scott Steiner...


The Libertine
Apr 25, 2002
His arms...are sick...I saw him 3 years ago and he was like how he is now and I couldn't help but wonder if he were taking something...the size alone is impressive but the definition is almost mechanical...

There's a dramatic difference between 2003 Scott Steiner and 1994 Scott Steiner...

Question: Has he ever talked about his workout technique? Cause I'm wondering if it involves Mexican pharmaceutical companies...
He's gotta be on the sauce! There's no way anyone can bulk up that fast without uh, some outside help. ECCH!:p
Lust Engine said:
He's gotta be on the sauce! There's no way anyone can bulk up that fast without uh, some outside help. ECCH!:p

I would be willing to give benefit of doubt but...eccch...football players work out just as much as wrestlers and NFL linebackers don't have arms like that...
Back in 1998 he gave out his work out he does every day so ya I would say he is a natural it could be in his Genes, DNA or Helix
I'm thinking he's had a few suplements to help out that growth...

He actually doesn't look all that bad except for when he flexes his arms.. then that pops out of nowhere.
ROFL...when he flexes his arm and that pointy part pops out...I can't help but shiver.
he's on the juice.

That's why it's labeled entertainment and not a sport. McMahon had wrestlers popping left and right.
This is what happens when you hit the 'roids, well steroids not hemorroids..i don't know what happens to you if you hit the hemorroids..(and no..i don't wanna know)

amelia said:
This is what happens when you hit the 'roids, well steroids not hemorroids..i don't know what happens to you if you hit the hemorroids..(and no..i don't wanna know)


that's an idea for a sick av.

superhemmorrhoids on steroids.
I just hope the WWE doesn't screw up and put Triple H over him...
Triple H can kick his ass easily, only thing he has is muscle now. Probably forgot all his roots he had with his brother.
Cibo said:
Triple H can kick his ass easily, only thing he has is muscle now. Probably forgot all his roots he had with his brother.

Nah.. You don't forget things like that. He still had some of his basics down pat back in WCW before it closed.. he just focused more on power wrestling.

How cool would a three way match between Steiner, Lesner and Angle be? Throw in Benoit for a four way and I think you'd get huge buy rates.

As for Triple H... His work is getting very old and more and more people can see that it's his politcial standing that has him at the top, not his skill.
HHH just needs another push that's all.

I would like to see Steiner vs Lesner.

And he may not forget it, but he will be awfully rusty at it.
Cibo said:
HHH just needs another push that's all.

What?! Another push? Shit, he's only been in the middle of a push that has lasted the last four years!

I'd have more respect for him if he actualy put other wrestlers over once in a while.
Ya maybe. But imo that guy is still one of the most dedicated and talented wrestles the WWE has.