Writing prompts

I hate it when I get like that too.

I've promised a friend I would write him a story.. but each time I try to sit and write it I come up dry. The ideas pour out of me while I'm driving around or in stray thoughts while at work, but when I finally sit to do the writing it's like everything has suddenly gone blank. Ack!!!

Your idea of writing promts with cards is great. Might give that a try myself.

What prompts me sometimes is emotions. Strong emotions about things, or hmm stormy weather outside seems to do it for me too... somehow the worse the weather the stronger my emotions and the words just seem to want to pour out of me.
I'm not sure if this is what you want...

The dorsel fin was rapidly coming towards me and suddenly, I realized that I was not alone in the bathtub.
pretty_lil_stranger said:
Yeah, I have lost a couple of writing jobs because I couldn't make myself do the work in the last few months....I haven't written a story since late August, and I have produced a bare minimum of articles for the paper, too. Geesh.

I used to assist in a writing forum online a couple yrs back... sometimes we'd post a sentence for the other members to finish with a paragraph or whatever. I'd pull stuff from song that I'd heard or headlines in the news... stuff like that.

Is that what you're thinking of when you say prompts?
Ok, this got me going creatively... maybe for you?

Compare a tumultous love affair to a thunderous storm.
PLS This is probably not going to be of much help but when I used to write for various publications and when I was editor-in-chief of a local (very minor) newspaper I found myself suffering from writer's block fairly often. The only prompt that ever worked for me was a deadline. I did some of my best writing the night before it was due.

The only other thing I have ever found to help when I was completely stuck and couldn't write a thing was to write a restaurant review as if it would be published the next day. At least that would get the juices flowing.
pretty_lil_stranger said:
Oui. Just a random idea that could be turned into a story, or could be used as the first sentence of a story...or just prompts writing in some way. :)

"Horatio didn't want to adopt the infant penguin, but he foud himself living together with it in his apartment regardless."

Like that?
Rambrat said:
I'm not sure if this is what you want...

The dorsel fin was rapidly coming towards me and suddenly, I realized that I was not alone in the bathtub.
Spelling buddy says, "Jacuzzi"
LukkyKnight said:
Spelling buddy says, "Jacuzzi"

The dorsel fin was rapidly coming towards me and suddenly, I realized that I was not alone in the Jacuzzi.
I have a box of vocabulary cards from the 1950s I like to choose from to get random ideas. I shall pick 3 unrelated words for you. The trick is to make them all work together. You don't have to use the actual words (though you may). Getting it all connected is the prompt.

The words are:



Dorsel IS a word, ya know? It means something like a basket. Now there's an image for writer's block.
for pls. . .

Some of the better ideas from a book of writing prompts:

* Find a tragic story in the newspaper and create a happy ending.

* The first human lands on Mars. She steps out of the spacecraft and says. . .

*Drive to an unfamiliar part of your town and choose a house that appeals to you. Write about who might live there, using details about the house and its surroundings to develop the characters.