

A god in a past life
Sep 20, 2002
Never in my long time here, has someone got ignored as fast as that little fucker.
Fecker's not here right now. Do you want to leave a message?
I don't know what it is, but as sensitive as I am, he doesn't get to me, except when he speaks of rape as though its a mere sneeze.
The one that is truly offensive, cruel and sickening is the one that I will probably say goodbye over, nothing is worth the experience of him.
I'm not sensitive, and I've seen all of about 4 posts to tell me, man, this guy is so stupid I can't be bothered even skipping past his posts.
Whhhrrrrr! You took the bait, hook, line and sinker.

Can you say troll?

Don't feed the trolls.
Just ignore trolls.
I'mVan said:
I'm not sensitive, and I've seen all of about 4 posts to tell me, man, this guy is so stupid I can't be bothered even skipping past his posts.

Really? It took 4?
lol, no shit Heretic. But I usually just wander around the boards actively ignoring the trolls. This one didn't even rate the effort to do that. *chuckle*
I am such a ditz!:rolleyes: I didn't realize that is who you meant, so thanks for the warning.
Nah, I have checked the ditz list and you're not there, intrigued. You're on some lists, but I am not going to get sucked into revealing which ones in public. :D
April said:
I have no idea what's going on. Is my ignoring that good? ;)
Very good. You do that better than pouting.
LukkyKnight said:
Nah, I have checked the ditz list and you're not there, intrigued. You're on some lists, but I am not going to get sucked into revealing which ones in public. :D
April said:
I've been here for a while Van. Smart ass. :rolleyes: :cool:

*chuckle* My arse has been called often (er, many) things, but not smart.