Wounded clam


Back from the dead
Jun 22, 2002
This is either very icky or very funny. I vote for both.


Menstruation Euphemisms

Feelin' Menstru-riffic!
Friend from the Red Sea
Game Day for the crimson tide
Gift, The
Girl time
Hammock season
Having the painters in
Hummer week
Hunt for Red October, The
In season
Kitty has a nosebleed, The
Lady days
Lady in the red dress
Leak week
Leaky basement
Little enemy
Little ketchup with my steak, A
Little Red Riding Hood (in the woods)
Massacre at the beef curtain
Massacre at the Y
Misery, The
Miss Scarlett's come home to Tara
Monkey has a nosebleed, The
Monthly bill
Monthly bloodpool
Monthly curse
Monthly evacuations
Monthly time
Monthly trouble
Monthly visitor
Moon time
Moses parting the Red Sea
Mother nature's curse
Mother Nature's gift
Mudslide in Crotch Canyon
My cup of joy is overflowing
My red-headed cousin from Virginia is here
My steak is raw
Nuisance, The
Oil change
Old faithful
On the blob
On the rag
Ordering l'Omelette Rouge
Out of commission
Out of order
Pad straddling
Painters are in, The
Panty painting
Panty shields up, Captain!
Planting cotton
Playground's muddy, The
Playing banjo in Sgt. Zygote's Ragtime Band
Quiff cry
Rag, The
Raining down South
Rebooting the Ovarian Operating System
Red Beard's toothpaste
Red dollar days
Red flag is up, The
Red letter day
Red light district
Red moon rising
Red rider's revenge
Red river blues
Red scare, The
Red snow, The
Red Sox are in town
Red special
Red wings
Riding the cotton cowboy
Riding the cotton pony
Riding the crimson tide
Riding the crimson wave
Riding the red ball special
Saddling Old Rusty
Santa's bringing the presents
Scarlet letter, The
Seeing red
Serving up the womb steak medium rare
Shark bait
Squeaky mattress symphony
Snatchbox decorated with red roses, A
Soggy box
Sprung a leak
Strings attached
Surfing the crimson tide
Surfing the crimson wave
T.O.M. (Time Of the Month)
T-Minus 9 months and holding
Taking Carrie to the prom
Technical difficulties
That time of the month
Time to change the filter
Tin roof's rusted
Tomato boat has come in
Too wet to plow
Train wreck
Trolling for vampires
Up on blocks
Vampire's bag lunch
Visit from Cap'n Bloodsnatch, A
Visit from the Cardinal, A
Visitations, The
War in Virginia
Weeping womb
Wound of Eve that never heals, The
Wounded clam
riding the cotton pony--i was recently talking about that euphemism. it still makes me laugh. but why dont they have the curse? that is a personal fav. those are good though. thanks! lol
I've used "feelin' menstru-riffic!" a few times. People get the oddest look on their faces when you say that.