Would you people stay out of my dreams!

fond of facials

hold me tight
Dec 27, 2002
OMG you wouldn't believe the dream I had last night! Okay, in my dream I was in a cold empty room and it was very dark. I was naked, on my knees with my hands behind my back chained to my ankles. I had no idea where I was. When my eyes adjusted to the light I could see that I was surrounded my all the lit men! :eek: Don't ask me how I knew they were the lit men, I couldn't even see their faces. Just one of those weird dream things that doesn't make any sense. Anyway, right as I realized who they were somebody grabbed my hair and jerked my head back and then all the guys took turns cumming all over my face and breasts. Then I woke up.

Damn people! Stay out of my mind!
fond of facials said:
...I was surrounded my all the lit men! :eek: Don't ask me how I knew they were the lit men, I couldn't even see their faces...
Obviously that's how you knew!
My fault.

Oh, sorry about that thing with the thing, and the thing . . . you know . . . :D

No, no, I'm sure we don't know. Why don't you go right ahead with your explanation?
And you'd be asking the Lit men to stay out of your dreams after they just fulfilled one?

WHY on EARTH would you do that?? I'd be thanking them!!

Cleo32 said:
And you'd be asking the Lit men to stay out of your dreams after they just fulfilled one?

WHY on EARTH would you do that?? I'd be thanking them!!


Good point. Lit men, thank you for the best facial ever!! :kiss: Want to come back tonight? :devil: