Would you lick, suck, fuck or simply shake hands with the person above you?

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tandoor said:
Ditto! She's too hot to only lick or only fuck...

I think i'd shake his hand, but he'd have to extend another appendage for me to do that. :rolleyes:
Carnivore1 said:
I think i'd shake his hand, but he'd have to extend another appendage for me to do that. :rolleyes:

Hmm a tiger in the burbs of Minneapolis? I think I'd run.
SimpleGifts said:
Lick, suck, fuck, in that order. And then shake hands. ;)


hmmmmmmm....write each on a slip of paper...put them in a hat...and draw one....

OMG.....it says...ALL OF THE ABOVE!!!

hehehe...lucky me!! :kiss:
Scribbleros said:
That puts interesting ideas in my head.

I would have to say shake hands...maybe a ''bro'' hug or something of the like...but as much as Superman gets me all hot and bothered :rolleyes: I think that I'll stick with that.
ken_adenee said:
I would have to say shake hands...maybe a ''bro'' hug or something of the like...but as much as Superman gets me all hot and bothered :rolleyes: I think that I'll stick with that.

hmmmmmm maybe all of the above ;)
would need a better look to be for sure :kiss:
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