Would you give your life for someone?

Would you die so that another would live?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 36 81.8%
  • No.

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • I'd have to decide on the spot.

    Votes: 6 13.6%
  • Other, let me explain my thinking:

    Votes: 1 2.3%

  • Total voters


romantic, in a dirty way
Sep 23, 2002
Would you die so someone else might live? I'm not talking about gong to war as a soldier, and risking death to fight for your country. I'm not even talking about risking death or health complications to donate a kidney to a loved one.

Sometimes people throw around phrases like, "I'd die for my kids/ you/ him/ her." But - how many of us would really die for someone? Is there a list of who you would die for? If you have only a split second to dive into an ocean, or in front of an oncoming car to save another human being, if you knew, somehow, that they would live, and you'd die, what makes it worth it?

It seems, in fiction that I read, and sometimes in tv show plots, that this question - whose life is worth more - comes up frequently. Not so in real life; and yet, it's on my mind. Yes, I have an odd mind.

What would your rationale be, to die for someone? Who is willing to die for?

"My child has his life ahead of him."
"His wife would be devastated without him."
"I've lived a long and full life; now it's your turn."
"I wouldn't die for someone else, no matter what - survival of the fittest."
"The man / woman I love is worthy dying for, nevermind that they'll have to live with the guilt and pain of my dying in their stead."

Is the whole idea of dying that someone else might live just overly dramatic fodder for our various forms of entertainment?
watergirl said:

"My child has his life ahead of him."

Is the whole idea of dying that someone else might live just overly dramatic fodder for our various forms of entertainment?

To answer the question, yes.

To answer the poll, see the above quote. Just replace "him" with "her." Things really change when you're a parent.
BTDT - or at least was engaged in a number of activities where I risked my life for others (4 years in Sea Air Rescue and some law enforcement).

See, here's what I'm asking - if you KNEW you would die. Not risk, KNEW, for certain. Would you be brave enough, do you think? Would you hesitate? C'mon, I'm really curious about the thoughts behind why...

I would die for some of my friends, yes. I'm more sure of that than I am of those I'm related to!
I'd give my life for my love
I'd give my life for my friends
I'd give my life for my family

Anyone else it would depend I guess
Yes....I have no delusions of grandeur, I'd be scared stiff....But to save someone I love, I would.....
watergirl said:

See, here's what I'm asking - if you KNEW you would die. Not risk, KNEW, for certain. Would you be brave enough, do you think? Would you hesitate?
Of course there is sometimes a momentary hesitation - how long depends on the situation and how long you have to think about it. In SAR, the sitatutions and training often don't give you enough time for hesitation or thought - you just react. Any thought about risks are carried out long beforehand. Now granted, in SAR it was usually the people we were trying to rescue that died and not the rescuers, but I did have a friend die in the line of duty (due to an accident while on duty), and a superior and his aircrew die when his helicopter went down in a storm - so the risks were there and we knew it. No one hesitated to go out on missions where someone's life was in danger - it was our duty, we took it seriously and did it enthusiastically.

It didn't matter that we didn't know the people - all that mattered was that people were in trouble and needed our help. I am sure the same is true of all people involved in such endeavors and the military.
Emerald_eyed said:
Spelling buddy has to ask:



or absolutely?

EE - I knew you would say that, and I think I get that whole, it's my child thing. I don't have kids, and don't want kids... but for those who have them, I'm glad that they're a huge important part of your world. More parents should be as wonderful as you. :kiss:

And I think I could, if I were inclined towards that sort of work, risk my life in situations such as the ones the Heretic describes.

I would never be a soldier - I don't believe America is as right as GWB would have us beileve in this war.

I would give my life for some of my friends...

It's the giving your life for your husband/wife/love that stops me - how do you decide that they'd rather live without you, than you live without them? And the guilt and sorrow and depression they'd go through without you - is that worth living through? I think it would be easier to die with them than for them.
so long

It's time for me to go out to dinner with some folks, but I'll look in again at this before I go to bed.

Thanks to those who took the time to post.
I would give my life, it is mine to do with as I will. I would prefer to choose death, in order to allow someone else to live, because to not do so would invalidate my life.
Fuck me! is there ANY other answer...

storm1969 said:
I would, for many people.

Cool, Stormie... :cool:

any one of us who is over 40, has aq kid , or WHAT- ever.... I mean, JEEZ! :rolleyes:
Yes there are a couple of people I would die for. Instantly if needs be.

Some others on the other hand, I wouldnt even bother to dial 911 if I ahd a cell phone in my hand and saw them run down by a semi right in front of me. Go figure.
Id definitely give my life for someone I love. Id jump in the way of a bullet if it was heading for my boyfriend.
ITA with astro but there is one man in particular that I would sell my SOUL to the devil himself too save--->although he may not appreciate the gesture I would still be inclinded to do it in a heartbeat!
my son, I'd want him to experience a full life. I'd give anything for him a thousand times.

my brother because I know he'd do the same for me. He's the only person who has been there 100% of the time, whenever I needed him. I can't say that about my wife or my parents.
I would for my 2 boys. Without a second thought.

For my family and friends I'd do it but would hesitate only because of my boys.
Secret Pleasure,

Thanks for posting this - see, this is what I'm trying, unsuccessfully, to dig at!

Is your life worth more to you, what you can contribute to your children's lives, or your partnership with your lover, worth more than a friend's life, to you?

I would die for several of my friends who are engaged to be married this year. I think they have a long and happy partnership ahead of them with their fiancees, and right now... I don't feel like my life is so essential to anyone else that I'd feel like I was abandoning someone by dying... I don't even have dog!
watergirl said:
I don't feel like my life is so essential to anyone else that I'd feel like I was abandoning someone by dying... I don't even have dog!

Sweetheart, Listen to me...

Everyone of us is beautiful, important and very much essential!

You are important just by the virtual fact that you were created and born. :rose:
Ohh, dear.

I'm not suicidal, not even depressed - just hypothetically rambling!

I do have someone who makes me feel quite special, and people and jobs that make me feel quite talented. It's just a thread -
but I am interested to hear whether self-confident, strong-ego'd people are equally willing to die for another person - children, lovers, strangers... Do you see what I'm getting at?