Would you fuck an escort?


May 20, 2010
Obviously we talk about sex a lot, we are all driven by it. Would you ever pay for it? If you have was it still good?
Great name, Ben Taylor...

I have not but totally would. I think women should do that more often, particularly if they aren't being properly pleasured. It can be awkward for women to express their needs, but if it's like ordering something (which we're pros at) I can see where it could work out nicely.

Though we are women. Which means there are guys lined up to do for free what we'd pay a pro for. Still, there's that nervousness factor...
Always liked the look of the xr3i, but never had any sexual desires for one. Would the exhaust not be a bit hot, then I suppose you would need a jack to raise it up a bit!!
It is something that I've never done, not once in my life. I don't need to pay for sex.
I have actually considered this on more than one occasion. There are just certain things that I would love to experience before I die, ya know?

Every time I had sex I paid for it---, in one way or another.
And didn't mind it one bit.

Any man that thinks he ain't paying for sex, is either lying or just a dumb ass;
or possibly both.
I have never paid for sex and don't believe there's a need to. There are a lot of willing participants out there who will do it for free. :)
I agree

There are always tastey things out there when you speak up and tell people what you want!:)
You don't pay an escort for sex, you pay her to show up & leave without a fuss. :)

I have once, but probably wouldn't do it again, anonymous shagging just isn't my thing anymore.

Great name, Ben Taylor...

I have not but totally would. I think women should do that more often, particularly if they aren't being properly pleasured. It can be awkward for women to express their needs, but if it's like ordering something (which we're pros at) I can see where it could work out nicely.

Though we are women. Which means there are guys lined up to do for free what we'd pay a pro for. Still, there's that nervousness factor...

Outside of movies & cable TV male escorts for straight women are a myth. Can't remember where I read it but somebody was trying to write an article on male escorts and it turns out...there is just no demand. Male escorts that make a living at it almost entirely cater to a gay clientele, and even the ones that advertise as "Bi" have maybe one or two dates a year for straight women, and that is almost always set up by a straight husband who wants to watch his wife with another man.

Women with means to pay for it usually go after someone in the workplace or friends.
Did once on a trip through Amsterdam, more out of curiosity but also just to get to experience the red light district there as a one-off thing.

Definitely was not great sex. Mediocre at best, but the girl was fun.

But hadn't before that, and haven't after that, and have no intention of doing so in the future.

Hey LittleKat91,

given the opportunity I'd pay you for sex in a minute!!!
And not quibble about the price either!!!!
I haven't (and wouldn't) paid or been paid.

How many of you would take money for sex?