Would it be Wrong of me to Seduce my Gynecologist?


Oct 9, 2001
I swear, I really felt something stir in me when she had her fingers up my vagina yesterday and I can't even tell you how good the breast exam was.
You live to induce random erections don't you.

Its like..
Ho Hum just stopped by. Oh let me just bend over OOOPSIE
Yes, it would be very wrong. At least as long as you don't invite me.

And aren't you going out tonight, young lady?

Personally, I dig the speculum.
it wouldn't be only if you take pictures of this prestigious event and/or right us a wicked good story about your gynecological adventure.
There's probably a special place in hell for you, rubes.

But don't worry, I have a suite there already, I'm sure. ;)
OMG, I think you hit the nail on the head, Miss T. I never really got over playing doctor. There is just something so incredibly intimate about a partner "examing" your privates.
Rubyfruit said:
I swear, I really felt something stir in me when she had her fingers up my vagina yesterday and I can't even tell you how good the breast exam was.

A little sweet talk during a pelvic exam can go a long way. :)
Aquila said:
You live to induce random erections don't you.

It is one of life's greatest joys, I must say. :)

Nora, I am getting ready to go out as we speak. My makeup's almost done and I'm trying to decide if I should dress slutty or not.
I can help you Ruby here is my card.

Dr. Seymour Bush, M.D.

Monistat Plaza
4169 Cherry Lane
Summer's Eve, WI 06969

The #1 Doctor To
Cum To!!!

Phone (800) See-Bush

what I wouldn't do for a play speculum right now, and one of those stirupp tables too. That would make the doctoring part even easier
Rubyfruit said:
I swear, I really felt something stir in me when she had her fingers up my vagina yesterday and I can't even tell you how good the breast exam was.

Stiring inside you? You mean besides her fingers?
Well you could try, I seriously doubt you would be all that successful. You proabably wont get to far. But why seduce her when you can seduce many other people who are more willing?
Rubyfruit said:
Nora, I am getting ready to go out as we speak. My makeup's almost done and I'm trying to decide if I should dress slutty or not.

How about half-slutty. Keep 'em guessing. You'll be perfect no matter what you wear. =) I really really hope you have fun tonight!
Rubyfruit said:
OMG, I think you hit the nail on the head, Miss T. I never really got over playing doctor. There is just something so incredibly intimate about a partner "examing" your privates.

It is simply a matter of revisiting your youth, mending the holes in the fences so as to make a better, more well adjusted adult.

So, if that BS doesn't rationalize seducing your gyn, I am at a complete loss !

Nora said:
How about half-slutty. Keep 'em guessing. You'll be perfect no matter what you wear. =) I really really hope you have fun tonight!

Great advice.

I always go with suggestive. I suppose that is a way to say "slut with finesse."

Have a great time, Ruby.
Love connection.....

You probably were picking up each other's signals, you were receiving, she was sending! She was probably enjoying it as much as you, whether to take it further is your choice alone. I guess one never grows tired of playing doctor! :D :rose:
Rubyfruit said:
I swear, I really felt something stir in me when she had her fingers up my vagina yesterday and I can't even tell you how good the breast exam was.
It's not nearly as sinful as seducing seminary students.

Which I'm sure you could also do with minimal effort. ;)

Is anybody still up?

Nora, I took your advice. Suggestive but not slutty. The results were spectacular! :)
please, please tell me you, you wore pussy sparkles.