Would it be an incest story if one of the step siblings parents died?


Literotica Guru
Jan 1, 1970
Here is a question I have been pondering. If at the start of a story about step-siblings one of the parents dies would it still be considered incest. I know if two parents get divorced then they are no longer legally siblings. I am just wondering for a possible story idea down the road.
It all depends how you define incest.
- narrowest: bloodrelation to x-degree.
- legal: if you are legally close family whether through the above, adoption or marriage it's incest (I don't see how sex with your sister in law is less incesty than sex with your step-sis, and the bible agrees with me)
- ickiness: if it sounds icky to most people because of the relationship between the sex havers.
- etcetera

There is not one definition, or if there is one defition ("sex between close relatives") it's deliberately vague.
Here is a question I have been pondering. If at the start of a story about step-siblings one of the parents dies would it still be considered incest. I know if two parents get divorced then they are no longer legally siblings. I am just wondering for a possible story idea down the road.
I think a story is appropriate for I/T if the two people in the relationship want to hide the relationship from the rest of the family. To me, the power of I/T stories comes from people pursuing a relationship they know would be considered wrong but pursue it anyway because they want the other person so much.
Legal definitions of incest may offer scholars a fascinating stroll through the frontal lobes of various legislative bodies, but they are of little relevance here. What matters is that the reader is made to feel that the (hopefully consensual) relationship between the individuals is taboo due to consanguinity. It is not some legal definition that matters, rather, it is that spark of illicitness that makes it intriguing to some.

Consider that the ancient Pharaohs were obligated by law, custom, societal norms and religious commandment to marry their sisters, thus ‘keeping the royal bloodline pure’. Given that, one wonders what ancient Egyptian porn looked like?

A possible flashback to a typical Upper Nile household five thousand years ago:


“Yes, flower of my life?”

“We need to talk!”

“Um, yes, my dove?”

“I found this scroll in your briefcase.”


“Yes, dear?”

“Don’t you ‘yes, dear’ me, Imhotep!”


“Have you read it?”

“Um, no, as a matter of fact. Just picked it up on my way home from work. Um, what’s for dinner?”

“Don’t try to change the topic, Imhotep! There’s a story in here in which the Pharaoh...”

“May the gods smile on him!”

Maythegodssmileonhim... the Pharaoh actually thinks a serving wench is pretty! He thinks about kissing her! And she’s not his sister, Imhotep, not even a distant cousin!”


“It says that, Imhotep! This scroll actually has that written on it!”


“That’s disgusting, Imhotep! It’s criminal and it’s blasphemous and it’s wrong and I am ashamed of you!”

“Erm, yes, dear. I actually only buy it for the interviews...”

“Imhotep, I will not have this kind of smut in my house!”

“Yes, dear.”

"Just think what would happen if our children read this!”

“Yes, dear.”

“Don’t you ‘yes, dear’ me, Imhotep!”

“Yes, dear.”
It depends on what you want to know.

Legally, it depends on the jurisdiction. In the US, every state is different, and some may regard step-siblings whose parents have died no longer to be siblings, while some may.

Erotica story-wise, the important thing isn't the law but the degree of taboo among readers. If a boy and a girl are raised as siblings from an early age and live that way then I think in the eyes of many they would remain siblings regardless of what happened to the parents and the taboo factor would remain.

At Literotica, however, for many readers the level of erotic appeal depends upon the closeness of the consanguinous tie, and for some a step relationship will never be as erotic as a blood relationship.
So if someone is adopted would a relationship with one of the family have the same erotic appeal?

In terms of maximizing the erotic appeal to the maximum number of readers, no. The blood tie is an important part.

But that doesn't mean this is true for all readers, or most readers, or that a skillful author can't make this a story that would appeal to many readers. Averages only mean so much.

One of the longest, most popular, craziest incest stories I ever read was SpacerX's Six Times A Day, and that story involved an adopted brother and sister. The lack of blood tie didn't seem to hurt its appeal. Portions of it are on this site. Other portions do not meet Lit's content standards and don't show up here.
confused. are kids step sibs if neither of their parents are the same, ie a 'dad' with kids has shacked up with a 'mom' with kids? it's more erotic if each has a common parent, ie dad leaves wife, brings daughter to new relationship and has a son with new lady. boy and girl are step kids, then aged over 18 for literotia, get horny.
For it to be step I think you need to be related by marriage (someone's marriage, not necessarily your own).
In English a further distinction is made between 'step-' and '-in-law', which for instance in French isn't made (in terms of terminology. Both stepmother and mother-in-law are 'belle-mère'.
I guess my question really is would this go into the incest category if written. It would be about a family dealing with the lost of said father / step father. Legally I think the once siblings would no longer be counted as incest. Or should step sibling stories in general even be considered incest in the first place.
The definition of incest varies widely. Even in places with very similar backgrounds, eg the USA, state laws are quite different and some of them are just wacky. For instance, in Arizona, marriage between first cousins is considered incest and brings jail time - unless said cousins are both 65 years old and can prove to a judge that one of them is sterile. You can't make this up!

The point is that the reason incest stories are popular is not because of some legal definition, but because of that tingle of illicitness. Define it for yourself and carry on.