Worst score?

Dec 4, 2017
Scores generally are in the 3 or 4 range. I’ve seen a couple of tales with 5.0 ratings - good for the author, but they have me scratching my head. I have seen one down in the high 2s. Has anybody ever seen a tale on this site with a 1.x rating?

Supplementary question - why would it still be up?
Scores generally are in the 3 or 4 range. I’ve seen a couple of tales with 5.0 ratings - good for the author, but they have me scratching my head. I have seen one down in the high 2s. Has anybody ever seen a tale on this site with a 1.x rating?

Supplementary question - why would it still be up?
Thank you for this topic. It has been at least 2-3 days since we last had a proper ratings thread, and I was getting seriously worried. Appearances need to be maintained! :p
My range of high to low is 4.78 all the way to the basement door at 2.56. The 2.56 is in Loving Wives and of course, is a cuckolding story. I can't remember the lowest score I've seen, it was below 2.0 but I don't remember how far below and I didn't read it because of the rating. I should have read it though, ratings aren't always indicative of the quality. But you know 1.something that's a risky read.
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Scores generally are in the 3 or 4 range. I’ve seen a couple of tales with 5.0 ratings - good for the author, but they have me scratching my head. I have seen one down in the high 2s. Has anybody ever seen a tale on this site with a 1.x rating?

Supplementary question - why would it still be up?

Some story is always going to be the lowest rated, might as well be that one.
Scores generally are in the 3 or 4 range. I’ve seen a couple of tales with 5.0 ratings - good for the author, but they have me scratching my head. I have seen one down in the high 2s. Has anybody ever seen a tale on this site with a 1.x rating?

Supplementary question - why would it still be up?
I don’t know how you’d go about looking.

My own worst score is 4.15 currently. That’s for Waking Up. in many ways, it’s my favorite story, then it’s ultra personal and rather self-indulgent.

Interesting. I thought maybe they turned off scoring after getting one 1-bomb, but no. Many have the rating system still turned on and have had thousands of views. Statistically that’s freakishly bad luck to be sitting on a 1 score.

Some have thousands of views with no favorites or comments.
I've got two that are tied at 3.75. One is my I/T entry for last year's 750 word challenge, so no surprises there. https://literotica.com/s/why-am-i-waiting

The second is a Scifi story I wrote for the 2019 Halloween comp. I set myself the challenge of only using the dialogue a particularly annoying character spoke in a video game - 25 lines, no repeats allowed. https://literotica.com/s/festival-of-the-lost. It ended with an unfinished blowjob, so that upset a few readers. ;)

In both cases, I think the score is fair.
The lowest score possible is, of course, 1 ⭐

There are lots of them.https://search.literotica.com/?query=the&page=94&sort=vote&sortOrder=asc
At least it isn't zero. Ah, didn't we just do this topic about three months ago? But I'm game.

Okay, one I've mentioned is my four-part series on real-life Andy Warhol shooter Valerie Solanas. That was in 1968, and few people know anything about what happened before they were born. (Don't feel bad, it's part of human nature.) Maybe the main problem is that she was such a polarizing figure. The scores are 3.17, 2.00, 2.67, and 3.00. I'm not taking it down because I think it's pretty good.

Then recently I ended a series with a break-up, and I usually put those in Non-Erotic because Romance readers hate them. I made a mistake and put it in Erotic Couplings. Sex is described but not depicted, so I confused those readers. It took six days to fix it (pretty fast by Lit standards). 2.63, and no improvement after the first three days.


The only acting she ever did was in one of Warhol's movies, and I have a hard time believing, that at the age of 32, she called herself "a flower child."
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At least it isn't zero. Ah, didn't we just do this topic about three months ago? But I'm game.

Okay, one I've mentioned is my four-part series on real-life Andy Warhol shooter Valerie Solanas. That was in 1968, and few people know anything about what happened before they were born. (Don't feel bad, it's part of human nature.) Maybe the main problem is that she was such a polarizing figure. The scores are 3.17, 2.00, 2.67, and 3.00. I'm not taking it down because I think it's pretty good.

Then recently I ended a series with a break-up, and I usually put those in Non-Erotic because Romance readers hate them. I made a mistake and put it in Erotic Couplings. Sex is described but not depicted, so I confused those readers. It took six days to fix it (pretty fast by Lit standards). 2.63, and no improvement after the first three days.


The only acting she ever did was in one of Warhol's movies, and I have a hard time believing, that at the age of 32, she called herself "a flower child."
If there are no votes on a story, it doesn’t show any score at all. There is no way to tell if the scoreless stories literally got no votes or if voting was turned off, unless someone wants to check them all, one by one.
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If there are no votes on a story, it doesn’t show any score at all. There is no way to tell if the scoreless stories literally got no votes or if voting was turned off, unless someone wanted to checked them all, one by one.
I never turn off voting, but I think one of the Solanas stories had no votes for a while. Probably Chapter 2, which now has one vote. Chapter 4 has two. It reminds me of that scene in Animal House where they all have horrible grade averages. "Mister Blutarsky, zero point zero."
Um, wow.

I suppose one could score one’s own story with one star and then close the voting. I can’t think of any other way to stay there. Even one other non-one would skew it dramatically.

I guess I was looking for really bad stories. Looking through some of those, they ain’t good, but they’re not dismal, either.
I guess I was looking for really bad stories. Looking through some of those, they ain’t good, but they’re not dismal, either.
Ratings are not highly correlated to story quality IMO.

That’s not sour grapes, I have some 4.8x and 4.9x stories

If you can meet with triumph and disaster
And treat those two imposters just the same
Then yours is Literotica and all that’s in it
And what is more, you might not go insane

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Ratings are not highly correlated to story quality IMO.

That’s not about grapes, I have some 4.8x and 4.9x stories


I find it oddly moving that so many of these stories also have been favorited or have enthusiastically positive comments.
The most popular highest rated stories are the worst. Idiotic unrealistic nonsense from porn addicted morons. The lowest rated stories usually have the ring of truth about them - consequently people hate them for this quality.
Some of my favorite stories are around 4.0