working the systems - basically this is your choice


Literotica Guru
Feb 17, 2003
Romney knows how to work the system, and has created billions of wealth and God only knows how many jobs direct and indirect due to his businesses.

Obama knows how to work the system, and has helped millions join the welfare ranks, and helped millions more get help via food stamps. Obama has created some jobs but mostly via "government" expansion and some union jobs.

so what kind of POTUS do you want?

one that helps build wealth and create jobs, or one that expands welfare?

...both twits insist on only using other people's money to fuel their own ambitions.

Who is John Galt?
Romney knows how to work the system, and has created billions of wealth and God only knows how many jobs direct and indirect due to his businesses.

Obama knows how to work the system, and has helped millions join the welfare ranks, and helped millions more get help via food stamps. Obama has created some jobs but mostly via "government" expansion and some union jobs.

so what kind of POTUS do you want?

one that helps build wealth and create jobs, or one that expands welfare?

If you had any facts at your disposal, it would be helpful. Otherwise, you're just another windbag we have to brush aside. Go join Rush in the corner.
romney just needs the right sugahhh momma...


...both twits insist on only using other people's money to fuel their own ambitions.

Who is John Galt?

Agree that's what all politicians do regardless who they are, they have the people right were they want them relying in the government that way they have more control.