Wordsmith and Other Apps


Literotica Guru
Dec 5, 2001
Anyone here play Wordsmith? (Android app) I started playing it two years ago, and can't stop.

Are you addicted to any other app on your smartphone?

(The first person to say Angry Birds gets a boot in his/her arse. :mad: )
Am I the "pod person" or is it you?

Prolly me, prolly me. :) I first got a smart phone when I was on maternity leave. Gave me something to do while the little one was feeding. He's 2 1/2 now, and I'm still playing!

I have a hard time understanding the Angry Birds craze, though. We spent some time in The Netherlands this fall, and they are as nuts about Angry Birds as Americans. Angry Birds t-shirts, pillows, sheets (?!) ... you name it. I wouldn't be surprised if there's an Angry Birds cartoon soon. Oy.
Prolly me, prolly me. :) I first got a smart phone when I was on maternity leave. Gave me something to do while the little one was feeding. He's 2 1/2 now, and I'm still playing!

I have a hard time understanding the Angry Birds craze, though. We spent some time in The Netherlands this fall, and they are as nuts about Angry Birds as Americans. Angry Birds t-shirts, pillows, sheets (?!) ... you name it. I wouldn't be surprised if there's an Angry Birds cartoon soon. Oy.

I do the Sudoku in the newspaper. It's made of paper. It's a hell of a good time.
Anyone here play Wordsmith? (Android app) I started playing it two years ago, and can't stop.

Are you addicted to any other app on your smartphone?

(The first person to say Angry Birds gets a boot in his/her arse. :mad: )

My android phone I don't put app games.
On my nexus 7 I got
bad piggies
golf game
old school gta 3
Word with friends
Cut the rope
Words with Friends
I was bored of Hangman
And sucked at Scramble
Words with Friends
I was bored of Hangman
And sucked at Scramble

I tried Hangman, but got bored as well.

Have you (or anyone) tried Plants vs Zombies? I was addicted to that one for a while, but finally whipped it. I keep hoping they'll come out with updates.




This is ruling my iPhone right now. Got it about two weeks ago, ain't been able to put it down.

You gotta build up an airline fleet from one domestic area — you can choose to start from several regions in the world - and gradually go from small charter fry to international with jumbo jets. The bigger you get, the harder it is to make strategy to maintain it all.

It's a real gradual grind to step your plane game up, mostly because it uses pseudo real-time to do flights between cities. That makes it an excellent time-killer. Everything costs money. Buying a city to open up an airport in it costs. Some planes only do cargo, some do passengers and some are hybrids. Each additional plane you add to your airline takes gobs of money just to open up a spot and then you gotta buy the damn plane itself. Bye-bye bank.

Then you gotta think about which plane is better to get for the runs you're gonna make and you gotta pay for upgrades on that plane for speed, weight and fuel tank capacity, which increases your range. That's important, because you'll make more money for the long distance hauls without having to do layover jumps between cities.

My only gripe with this game is that the map isn't contiguous. Meaning that when I started hitting up Honolulu on my service, I thought I could bounce to Japan from there, but I can't. To hit up Asia, I have no choice but to work my way east through Europe and even though I can buy any city on the planet I choose if I have the moolah, I need a plane that can make those runs. Pissed me off.

It's taken me two days to grind enough scratch to get my 14th plane and I've just begun doing transatlantic flights to Europe. Ain't even touched South America, the Mideast, Africa or Asia yet. Shit is deep. Best thing is that it's free, but like all good free games, you're gonna get frustrated at the slow tech climb and will definitely need to throw some dinero at the company to get the coins necessary for advancing your fleet at a faster pace. It's cool, because I just figure it's a few less beers at the spot when I hang out. Get it at your own peril! :D
I also rather liked one called "Doooors". The puzzles were tricky.

Couldn't get in to that one, not sure why.

I started playing Farm Story on my tablet. It's like FB Farmville, but with cooler graphics. I like those build-em-up games, but then, I also still play Age of Empires. :rolleyes:
This is ruling my iPhone right now. Got it about two weeks ago, ain't been able to put it down.

You gotta build up an airline fleet from one domestic area — you can choose to start from several regions in the world - and gradually go from small charter fry to international with jumbo jets. The bigger you get, the harder it is to make strategy to maintain it all.

It's a real gradual grind to step your plane game up, mostly because it uses pseudo real-time to do flights between cities. That makes it an excellent time-killer. Everything costs money. Buying a city to open up an airport in it costs. Some planes only do cargo, some do passengers and some are hybrids. Each additional plane you add to your airline takes gobs of money just to open up a spot and then you gotta buy the damn plane itself. Bye-bye bank.

Then you gotta think about which plane is better to get for the runs you're gonna make and you gotta pay for upgrades on that plane for speed, weight and fuel tank capacity, which increases your range. That's important, because you'll make more money for the long distance hauls without having to do layover jumps between cities.

My only gripe with this game is that the map isn't contiguous. Meaning that when I started hitting up Honolulu on my service, I thought I could bounce to Japan from there, but I can't. To hit up Asia, I have no choice but to work my way east through Europe and even though I can buy any city on the planet I choose if I have the moolah, I need a plane that can make those runs. Pissed me off.

It's taken me two days to grind enough scratch to get my 14th plane and I've just begun doing transatlantic flights to Europe. Ain't even touched South America, the Mideast, Africa or Asia yet. Shit is deep. Best thing is that it's free, but like all good free games, you're gonna get frustrated at the slow tech climb and will definitely need to throw some dinero at the company to get the coins necessary for advancing your fleet at a faster pace. It's cool, because I just figure it's a few less beers at the spot when I hang out. Get it at your own peril! :D

Cripes. This sounds like the type of game I'd enjoy, except that it's too much like my real-life work. :D




This is ruling my iPhone right now. Got it about two weeks ago, ain't been able to put it down.

You gotta build up an airline fleet from one domestic area — you can choose to start from several regions in the world - and gradually go from small charter fry to international with jumbo jets. The bigger you get, the harder it is to make strategy to maintain it all.

It's a real gradual grind to step your plane game up, mostly because it uses pseudo real-time to do flights between cities. That makes it an excellent time-killer. Everything costs money. Buying a city to open up an airport in it costs. Some planes only do cargo, some do passengers and some are hybrids. Each additional plane you add to your airline takes gobs of money just to open up a spot and then you gotta buy the damn plane itself. Bye-bye bank.

Then you gotta think about which plane is better to get for the runs you're gonna make and you gotta pay for upgrades on that plane for speed, weight and fuel tank capacity, which increases your range. That's important, because you'll make more money for the long distance hauls without having to do layover jumps between cities.

My only gripe with this game is that the map isn't contiguous. Meaning that when I started hitting up Honolulu on my service, I thought I could bounce to Japan from there, but I can't. To hit up Asia, I have no choice but to work my way east through Europe and even though I can buy any city on the planet I choose if I have the moolah, I need a plane that can make those runs. Pissed me off.

It's taken me two days to grind enough scratch to get my 14th plane and I've just begun doing transatlantic flights to Europe. Ain't even touched South America, the Mideast, Africa or Asia yet. Shit is deep. Best thing is that it's free, but like all good free games, you're gonna get frustrated at the slow tech climb and will definitely need to throw some dinero at the company to get the coins necessary for advancing your fleet at a faster pace. It's cool, because I just figure it's a few less beers at the spot when I hang out. Get it at your own peril! :D

Do you have to ask others to send you things?
Cripes. This sounds like the type of game I'd enjoy, except that it's too much like my real-life work. :D

It's totes engrossing, trust that. But it's really good if you are in daily situations where waiting a spell is involved and boredom strikes. This gets major play when I'm on the subway, waiting for a movie to start and in long grocery lines. ;)
I remember playing Scrabble with the family. It was a close game and tensions were running high as always because we were always so competitive. I saw an opening and used the oft forgotten Qwijibo. My father insisted we consult the dictionary which of course proved me right. Strangling followed.

Good times.
I remember playing Scrabble with the family. It was a close game and tensions were running high as always because we were always so competitive. I saw an opening and used the oft forgotten Qwijibo. My father insisted we consult the dictionary which of course proved me right. Strangling followed.

Good times.

Classic. Have you watched them lately? Do the new episodes suck to you as much as they do to me?