Words of Wisdom


Really Experienced
Aug 2, 2002
Todays story is a Native American parable.

Many moons ago a child was born to Swift Deer and Deep Waters. They felt truly blessed as the child was male and strapingly healthy; surely one day he would become a great Warrior.

Five times the long night came and the couple's joy had turned to sadness. While Swift Deer and Deep Water's child appeared normal in and every way, and quite healthy; he had never spoke a word. Truly troubled were their hearts. For if he could not speak; he could never become a Warrior.

One evening when Swift Deer had returned from a successful hunt the family had a feast. Fresh venison was had and Deep Waters had baked grain cakes.

As they settled around their fire for the meal they were shocked to hear their child say, "Mother my grain cakes are burned."

They burst into tears upon hearing their childs voice.

"Why have you never said any thing our child?" asked Deep Waters.

He replied' "Because I have had nothing important to say."