
MorgaineLaFay said:
Sorry...I'm just a little giddy today.

Hey...I'd not mind seeing your giddy.

Err...maybe I meant to say "Titty". <shrug> Either way....good to see you Morgy.


Re: Good to see somebody in

tulip2lipservice said:
good spirits... hugs.


Let's just say...your little brother is ... ahh...he's rocked my world.
Congrats Morgy. I'm glad the two of you have found happiness with each other.
Come to NY

I have plenty of little brothers. Not by blood but you know what I mean. Sigh nobody for me. Sigh.

Re: Re: Good to see somebody in

MorgaineLaFay said:
Let's just say...your little brother is ... ahh...he's rocked my world.

I'm really happy for you two, Morgy!

(and I don't think you're the only one giddy)
Re: Re: Good to see somebody in

MorgaineLaFay said:
Let's just say...your little brother is ... ahh...he's rocked my world.
Okay, I realize I'm probably the only one in this thread who has no idea who you are talking about. Is it anyone I know?
In any case, congratulations. You sound happy and that's a good thing. :rose:
Re: Re: Re: Good to see somebody in

MaggieH said:
I'm really happy for you two, Morgy!

(and I don't think you're the only one giddy)


I will have you know I heard your name several times this weekend. Just a minute ago as well.

You are well loved.

I consider you a friend I have yet to meet.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Good to see somebody in

MorgaineLaFay said:

I will have you know I heard your name several times this weekend. Just a minute ago as well.

You are well loved.

I consider you a friend I have yet to meet.

Awwww, you are so sweet! No wonder you are well loved yourself. I can't wait to get to know you better.
Great, now there are two of you who can gossip about me behind my back.

islandman said:
Great, now there are two of you who can gossip about me behind my back.


*grins at islandman, high-fives Morgy*