Woo hoo!


Jul 29, 2000
Just when things were about to go really well, I manage to fuck it all up!

Whooo! I'm numba one!

Fuck. Ohhhhhhh Fuck.
Sit down spin. Calm yourself and tell us what happened.

Make it good or I'll be forced to give this thread a 1.
Spinaroonie said:
Just when things were about to go really well, I manage to fuck it all up!

Whooo! I'm numba one!

Fuck. Ohhhhhhh Fuck.

And exactly what is you point? hehehe
Stayed up late last night writing some good papers, and doing a little studying.

Oversleep my first two classes where one of those papers is due. Sprint off to try to find the TA of the class that has only 5 minutes left. Don't find her. Start heading off to my next class. Bell rings. More sprinting. Get in, take a final while I'm coughing and feel like I"m about to throw up.

I used my eraser a lot.

Edit: Today was the last day of classes too.

Sent out a few emails in the last few minutes.

Edit 2: And while I was in the abandoned subway tunnel, running to escape the mole people, I slipped in some mud and ruined the very pants I was returning.
Spinaroonie said:

Edit 2: And while I was in the abandoned subway tunnel, running to escape the mole people, I slipped in some mud and ruined the very pants I was returning.

Okay, that gets a 4.5.

The rest gets about a 2.