Womens Rights Movement..open


Jul 15, 2012
The world was changing fast, but women were still lagging behind. This is when Katasha found her calling in life, to bring womens rights to the forefront and fight for what she believed in. She had one problem and that was the Davidson brothers, Chris, Cody and Craig. All three came from a well to do family, and they stood in her way. Katasha was 42 from a poor black family, she went to school and achieved in the highest form but she had a past and if anyone found out her movement was over. The Davidson brothers knew all about it, how can she stop them........

Katasha left her old life behind, she had a great job and a great family. Katasha had been married for almost 20 years and it was coming close to her 20th anniversary, the same day that she was to organize a march for womens rights. She has been working closely with her best friend Haley who is the cousin of the Davidson brothers.
Haley is 24 years old and tomorrow would be her 25 birthday. She sat on her couch in the living room looking at her phone hoping to get a call from her best friend, Katasha, and not a call from her cousins which she was against. She hesitated for a moment before picking up the phone and calling her best friend.

Katasha grabbed her keys and kissed he walked out of the door. Her phone rang, she prayed that it was not another threatening phone call. When she answered she heard Haleys voice on the other end. Haley was alot younger thang Katasha but Haley was a go getter and would not back down from anyone a take charge kind of woman.
Haley sighed a bit then spoke"Katasha it's Haley I'm calling to see when we're meeting today..."she said through the phone. She looked at her empty house as she was single and had no kids.