Women with tats


Nov 15, 2001
That was not a typo. I did mean tats and not tits. Somethign about a woman with tattoos that turn me on and drive me wild. Does this happen to anyone else. Or is there something that another person has or does that makes you feel this way?
Indigo your av is what made me think of this thread. It is awesome
I agree, I love tattoos too.

Pixie wants one, I want her to get one. She already has a pierced nipple which I think is yummy.

Now, if only I could get to see it all in person, daam-eet!
Indigo.Rose said:
<----- this tat is fucking hot!
Agreed... I was going to use that same pic as an AV myself.
But you beat me to it.
I find that a tattooed woman is more likely to have a hot dirty naughty attitude.

Because that's the way it makes them feel.

And it's something taboo that they want to do.

Empowering too I think for those who do tattoo, especially near their hoo-hoo.

There was a recent report about teenage girls getting tattoos being x% more likely to do various naughty things...
Indigo rose if that is you I would love to trace that tat with my tongue
Kitte I think the right tat on the right woman is very hot...
So what are your opinions on a little green tat of the sign of Taurus on the pelvic area?
Just one ...

I have one tattoo , its small and its some where on my back.
I like it and because its small ... and on my back ... very few people see it ... only a couple.. have seen it. :)

I also have some thing about tattoos, last week I was driving to class. Then this guy on a Ninja motorcycle ... zooomed by me and as he was passing by ... since he was going so fast... his tshirt had ridden way up his back ... and down his back he had a tattoo. I could not help but stare... I liked how it looked... could not help but imagine running my tongue all over his tattoo. :D
I'm a weenie... I think it'll be my Christmas present to myself... wait a new computer's my Christmas present to myself.. I'll get 2 this year.
I love tats...I have one and I love knowing it is there. Sometimes a little hint of it can be seen depending on what I am wearing other times only those who have seen it know it is there.

I think tats can be very very sexy on both men and women.
It would be an honor to hold your hand while you get a tat. Just tell me when and where