Women, post porn that you like here

That's right, sex.com is also out! I could get a VPN. But it feels like too long of a way to get the pr0nz. Lol
The Opera browser offers VPN service free, you can easily enable and disable it, from the address bar and you can browse, with add blocking, "from Europe or Asia" with just one click.

I have not found a porn site that is blocked; but I am not a porn professional, just an enthusiastic everday user. :):):)

I use Brave browser to click through Youtube without ANY annoying ads. Not one! either before the clip or in the middle of them.

You are always on the lookout for privacy, on any browser, but these two are good tools to limit the hassle.

Brave is soooooo fast! but VPN is payed....
North Carolina is the same. Its hit or miss. It just makes me want to experience my porn IRL.
There are a few free VPN apps available to bypass your state's censorship. I live in Arkansas so that's how I have to do it. I use this one. It's developed by the same people who created the internal, ultra secure free email network Protonmail. It's from the people at the CERN Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland. This is the free version: https://protonvpn.com/free-vpn/download
Apparently VPNs are more interesting than porn these days 🤣😱😂
I didn't want to comment and add to the sausage fest unfolding, but I was really hoping to see some quality suggestions made because the easy-to-find stuff that the hub puts at the front of the line is usually pretty terrible. I had hoped for quality content being suggested!
This is the difference between a male porn thread and a female porn thread. This one has 23 posts and only one porn link. A guy's porn thread would just be boobs bouncing everywhere. 10 GIFs per post.

Up your porn game, ladies! I want to know what you like!!!
This is the difference between a male porn thread and a female porn thread. This one has 23 posts and only one porn link. A guy's porn thread would just be boobs bouncing everywhere. 10 GIFs per post.

Up your porn game, ladies! I want to know what you like!!!

for starters.


an amuse bouche:


pinging @SassySheDevil regarding the main course which was all her idea

and for dessert i’ll have the first four seasons of Vikings.

Not as “out there” as pony play, but some of us have good old fashioned values. 😆