Women Only Weekend

I have a women's only weekend every year. There are 7 of us. We have a house at the beach and we go and play music for 3 days.

We don't need rape prevention or how to learn how to use handguns, we have our music.

All cocks must be checked at the door...
I think the banjo is enough to keep anyone away. If the noise doesn't do it, it is a great club and spear!
ksmybuttons said:
I think the banjo is enough to keep anyone away. If the noise doesn't do it, it is a great club and spear!
You are not a black person, are you?

Say, hee-hah
I'm not certain, but if it came down to a battle between a 250lbs man and my KEYCHAIN - I'd have to place my money on the hulking beast. HOWEVER, I do recommend every woman taking some sort of self-defense class and a "brush" up each year. There's no reason NOT to!

(My "Girls Only" weekends consist of a few things more exciting then learning how to rip some dudes ear off. But that's just me.)
ChilledVodka said:
You are not a black person, are you?

Say, hee-hah

Are you living in a stereotype world? Quite honestly, I know of very few black people who play bluegrass music...
I'm so jealous, Buttons.

For my birthday this year, which happens to be a big one, I'd love nothing more than a spa weekend with my best girlfriends, my mom and my sis in law.

I find that women are healing to be around, don't you? That combined with water everywhere and touching and relaxing.

That's what I want. :)
Rubyfruit said:
I'd love nothing more than a spa weekend with my best girlfriends, my mom and my sis in law.

That sounds like a story I once read.

Then the family dog must have come along too. ;-)

So, Beefcake, who are you going to cheat with? I'll have to go take another looksee.
Rubyfruit said:
So, Beefcake, who are you going to cheat with? I'll have to go take another looksee.

It's still too close to call, but Sunny said she'd throw her votes to you and Angel, which would put you way in the lead.
Schedule your spa weekend, Ruby! Pamper, pamper, pamper. We can never have enough!
It’s women only at my place every day. What I want is… well we all know what I want :D
ksmybuttons said:
Are you living in a stereotype world? Quite honestly, I know of very few black people who play bluegrass music...
Fuck off, redneck.