Women in leadersgip roles -when did we go wrong?


Really Experienced
Sep 29, 2012
Hello my Coney Island babies, hello my ragtime gals. Just another musing from your ol' buddy archicus..

Thee days, women are everywhere. There in our steel mills (thanks "Rosie the riveter"), our office buildinhs and worse of all; in our political positions.

Call me crazy,

isn't THAT what you like to do?

but I believe that the only positions woman should have are sexual positions

Angela Merkel is an attractive lady, but I'd rather sea her in the position of "reverse cowgirl" than Reichschancellor.



Under male leadership, we invented things like the lightbulb, the autogiro and yes, even the printed word! You couldn't not be reading this right now without strong masculine make leadership.

So my question: where did we go wrong? Cleopatra? Queen of Sheeba??

You tell me.

Wishin', and hopin' and thinkin' and prayin', arch:rose:
preech on sister!


while I am not woman or a sister, I applaud your bravery in standing up to your opinion on the femnazi-dominates forum.

So let me ask you, why do you believe that women should not be allowed to hold political office?? Because they're to dumb, or because they're to emotional? I am interested in your opinion..

Hello my Coney Island babies, hello my ragtime gals. Just another musing from your ol' buddy archicus..

Thee days, women are everywhere. There in our steel mills (thanks "Rosie the riveter"), our office buildinhs and worse of all; in our political positions.

Call me crazy,

isn't THAT what you like to do?

but I believe that the only positions woman should have are sexual positions

Angela Merkel is an attractive lady, but I'd rather sea her in the position of "reverse cowgirl" than Reichschancellor.



Under male leadership, we invented things like the lightbulb, the autogiro and yes, even the printed word! You couldn't not be reading this right now without strong masculine make leadership.

So my question: where did we go wrong? Cleopatra? Queen of Sheeba??

You tell me.

Wishin', and hopin' and thinkin' and prayin', arch:rose:

you make mike yates look like stephen hawking.

Female 'leaders' are a cross to be carried across the vale of tears.
Female 'leaders' are a cross to be carried across the vale of tears.


Ah, a Voice of Reason in an ocean of liberality.

I agree conpletely, and I add also that ethnic minorities (most especially polacks) and queers are the nails that firmly secure th white man to the Dogwood cross of liberalism.

i love everything about a woman, even when they bitch. hahah


What about when they run entite nations in to the ground? Esmerelda Marcos single handidly bankrupted the Philippines by paying thousands of pairs of very expensive high-heeled shoes.

she didn't even lok that good in them..


What about when they run entite nations in to the ground? Esmerelda Marcos single handidly bankrupted the Philippines by paying thousands of pairs of very expensive high-heeled shoes.

she didn't even lok that good in them..


i just say "it's your fault." lol

Ah, a Voice of Reason in an ocean of liberality.

I agree conpletely, and I add also that ethnic minorities (most especially polacks) and queers are the nails that firmly secure th white man to the Dogwood cross of liberalism.


Its the middle-class that does it. The middle-class has no compass or weathervane, and tries everything in hopes of offending no one.
Its the middle-class that does it. The middle-class has no compass or weathervane, and tries everything in hopes of offending no one.


"Political correctitude" has killed more souls than Aids and typhoid combined.

Is it jusy me, or was there fewer killings when the military was segregated? The worst say in American history when those airmen left Tuskegee. We could have killed hitler without them.


"Political correctitude" has killed more souls than Aids and typhoid combined.

Is it jusy me, or was there fewer killings when the military was segregated? The worst say in American history when those airmen left Tuskegee. We could have killed hitler without them.


You make me very PROUD to have a vagina.
Such a cute little thing you are.

"Political correctitude" has killed more souls than Aids and typhoid combined.

Is it jusy me, or was there fewer killings when the military was segregated? The worst say in American history when those airmen left Tuskegee. We could have killed hitler without them.


Blacks have always been the army's Sad Sacks. If the shit is gonna hit the fan the black is gonna be standing in front of the fan when the shit hits, trying to be cool. Blacks exist for comic relief.