Wolfie in the woods....


Literotica Guru
Sep 1, 2000
I just got back from 11 days in the mountains.... What a trip
Not the best ever of me... but this was 5 days into the trip
Yeah I realize these are not erotic... but thought it would be fun to share
Hey Wolfie

...is your dog a wolf/husky mix...? It looks alot like the malamute huskies they use in sled dog racing.
wolfie69 said:
That is Shadow, a pure Alaskan Malamute

That makes sense, I have been around many Alaskan Malamutes over the years...just terrific dogs.
Beautiful Dog!!! My Huskies are red/white and black/white. Will Malamute run away from you if they get off the leash and kill cats?? My Huskies do.
He will run if he gets a chance. He actually likes cats, they don't like him much though..

Shadow is 5 1/2 yrs old and loves getting out in the woods. We hiked 130 miles in 11 days, this time. I have the sore feet to prove it.
wolfie69 said:
Yeah I realize these are not erotic... but thought it would be fun to share
Man, these are GREAT!! Thanks. I've only had a couple trips in my life that were really "out there" (not counting the 60's, but that's another story). Thanks for bringing back some wonderful memories.
what a gorgeous beast you've got there!!! looks like you had a great trip, and such beautiful scenery. thanks for sharing the pics with us.
Wolfie, those were awesome!! :) Dammit, I really need to get around to posting some scenery pics of my own, I have been bad!

I'm sure you and Shadow had an amazing time...

Thanks for sharing hun!

Beautiful pics, i'm glad you shared. What part of the world where they taken? Reminds me a little of a canoe trip I took into the boundry waters of Minnesota/Canada years ago.