Wizard's First Rule, Sword of truth book

Its by Terry Goodkind. I'm almost done reading it well it sure is not for kids LOL
I am almost done reading the first book of it. DAMN! is all I can say lol
BF sent me this to read and hes read the first hmm 6 books. the 9th is due next year. I have about 1-- [ages ;eft
and I will be done the 836 page book LOL but damn this book is disturbing.
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OK the previous post got messed up. I have about 100 pages left to read. BF has sent me this book to read. hes read about the first 6 book of the serie. and the 8th is about to come out next year. and yes it is Fantasy.
Read them all. Great books in the beginning. Kind of got caught up in a lot of side stuff in the later books.

Still a great read though.
BF keeps pushing them at me hes already ready to send me the other LOL took me a week to read this one. almost done. its quiet... Graphic he says the other books are worse..
BF just told me the 2nd book to this serie is even more disturbing LOL I honestly have a hard time to believe thats possible.
hard to explain but LOL gawd there is alot of torture and s&m in this book serie *Shakes her head* I'm starting to worry about BF, he also likes clive barker

and I'm well :)
when i'm reading books, i seem to be empathic. towards the characters in the book, not in general. well, any more than normal. i was ok with the book (not enthused, but not loathing either) until i hit the slavery business. now, let me just say that i am a very free spirit. i chaff(sp?) under pretty much any restrictions. while i don't have a single problem with bondage and all that, i have a very big problem forced submition, slavery, and such. oddly enough, i finished that part, but just said "fuck it" and tossed it aside right quick (literally) after that.

i am very picky about the books i read. i get a little too into them.
oh, and Goodkind stole my first rule, the bastard.
That series is great. I love it. wait until later, with Cara. She becomes one of my favorite characters. Faith of the Fallen is my favorite of the series... but pick up Debt of Bones before you continue reading the series. Its a very small novella about Zed during the firs war with Darken Rahls daddy. Excellent backstory.

I didn't enjoy Pillars of Cration tha much... it has very little to do with the main storyline... in fact, I was questioning that there may have been a typo for the first half of the book and it wasn't actually a sword of Truth book, but towards the end things are cleared up and merges into the main storyline. I said I didn't like it, I did NOT say it wasn't a good novel *nods* it's hard to explain.
Dentetier, my bF says the 2nd novel to the serie is the best. thats his opinion anyways. and I'll ask him about "Dept of bones" I know hes read the first hmmm 6 books of the serie I think. I know he didnt read the last one thats out and well there is another comming out next year.

this book is extreme :| Denna scares me