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- Dec 4, 2012
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Please PM me for interest in joining the story as the Merchant Killer.
Catalina Rivera was perhaps one of the most feared female Assassin's since time began. She had trained beside the greatest of men, learned her craft and ultimately became one of the most deadliest women in the country. With that in mind, Catalina had fears of her own. She was wanted dead by a lot of people who were rich enough to hire a lot of muscle to get the job done. Equally, she was wanted for a lot more than just her dead body. Keeping her body very much alive was seen as better than having her dead and the prize in coin was immense compared to if she was caught and slaughtered in the bare hands of men. Speaking of such things, Catalina was taking care of business as always. She had a contract to fulfill by the time the week was up and she had no intentions of missing her opportunity. She was sent to kill a villainous merchant who thought himself better than most. He was corrupting all the people in the surrounding lands and Catalina was sent to put a stop to such madness. She had never liked the man, yet nor had she cared to take notice in his bad deeds. Today, however, was the day his deeds would come to a short and sharp end. She counted on it.
He was said to be quite young for a man in such power, though Catalina still didn't hesitate. She had a job to do and she needed the money it would bring once her kill was made. Her hypnotic green orbs scanned the area as she remained perched upon one of the many nearby rooftops. Her favorite dagger was shielded in its sheath and ready to be used. She waited as an Assassin would until she would strike down upon him. She was dressed in light attire, easy to maneuver in which made it easier to escape once the kill was made. Though, things were proving more difficult than she had first assumed. It had been a mistake on her part, though she didn't falter. The merchant was surrounded by guards, many of them, more so than usual. Had he been tipped off as to her expected arrival? Though, she had only told those who needed to know. Her green eyes narrowed into slits, her facial expression remained as focused as ever as her eyes stalked his every last movement.
Her heartbeat was racing as he stepped out onto the balcony of his manor. He had guests in the courtyard, but they did not matter to her. Her eyes never left him as he paced up and down on the balcony with guards either side of him and two stood behind to keep watch. She could have made a giant leap of faith and landed the dagger straight through his heart, but the townsfolk didn't need to witness such a thing. She was all about protecting the innocent, as that was her creed to stand by at all times. Though, it wasn't making it any easier on her. This had to be her hardest contract yet and even some of the earlier ones had proved a challenge so this certainly wasn't looking too good on her she would have to admit.
She soon decided against the obvious option of slaughtering the merchant killer in cold blood in front of everyone who was watching him currently. That just wasn't a good move to be thinking of. No, she straightened up atop of the roof and looked down at him, much like he was doing towards the townsfolk right now. She began to head towards the rooftop and down the wooden ladder she had made for herself, though what came next was much to her surprise. Four armed guards soon surrounded her dressed in heavy armor. How could this be? She wanted to take them on but soon found a blow to the back of the head had stopped her in her train of thought. She fell hard upon the dusty ground until two of the guards carried her off towards the back of the merchant's manor. She had completely blacked out for a good hour until she finally began to come round and as she opened her dazzling green eyes, the sight she saw before her wasn't a welcomed one for sure as the merchant killer stood before her; alone.