Wise asses of LIT, check in



There are joke threads and never ending threads and serious threads and tons of fluff.

I want a thread that will make me spew coffee at my monitor!

Wise asses of LIT, check in please!
ok here is a quick joke that will soon land me in hot water:

how many men does it take to open a beer.....NONE your woman should have it open when she brings it to you!
Is this a personal invitation for HeavyStick or what? :D

mini lil hi-jack - hiya Shameless, how have you been sugar? :kiss:
ShamelessFlirt said:
I want a thread that will make me spew coffee at my monitor!

Wise asses of LIT, check in please!

spew, huh? well I could make you, but I don't hink that's where coffee comes from.......;)

you did say SMARTASS, right?
1hotjob said:
The Queen of smartasses just checked in above!:rolleyes:

little brother, you are pushing your luck. it's a good thing you're using the right AV or I'd have to kick your butt!

for those that don't remember, 1HJ's other AV is his ass
Little brother........that's cute.

Kick my ass? Ha, I wouldn't want you to break a hip or something, Ma'am.

I'm so dead!
1hotjob said:
Little brother........that's cute.

Kick my ass? Ha, I wouldn't want you to break a hip or something, Ma'am.

I'm so dead!
you just wait till she finds her walker.....she will catch ya:D
1hotjob said:
Little brother........that's cute.

Kick my ass? Ha, I wouldn't want you to break a hip or something, Ma'am.

I'm so dead!

nah...you're not dead. It's not your fault Mama kept dropping you on your head as a baby. We've adapted and we will always speak s l o w l y for you! :kiss:
ShamelessFlirt said:
There are joke threads and never ending threads and serious threads and tons of fluff.

I want a thread that will make me spew coffee at my monitor!

Wise asses of LIT, check in please!

Yeah im here.. what do you want?
Oh, c'mon LaP, you can do better than that. The 8 year olds use that on the kickball field. I guess you're losing your touch. It comes with age though. Stop using tinfoil in the oven. They say it brings on Alzheimers.

1hotjob said:
Oh, c'mon LaP, you can do better than that. The 8 year olds use that on the kickball field. I guess you're losing your touch. It comes with age though. Stop using tinfoil in the oven. They say it brings on Alzheimers.


I don't waste the good stuff on the amatuers. Besides, I'll get you at Sunday dinner. Remember, it's a big brother's house this time. :p
Joke them if they can't take a fuck. Or something like that.;)
Now I'm really getting worried. You totally lost me on that one. Well, there ya have it folks. Senility has set in!

Amatuer my ass! You know better.:kiss:
I'm not a wise ass, just a pretty damn good smart ass at making fun at someone or just normal talking, not good at jokes tho, sorry.
1hotjob said:
Now I'm really getting worried. You totally lost me on that one. Well, there ya have it folks. Senility has set in!

Amatuer my ass! You know better.:kiss:

Look, if you don't show for dinner this Sunday, you're gonna be in deep shit! I told you that the other day when I reminded you. God you have a terrible memory. Mama didn't drop you, she must have tried making you bounce! :kiss:
La Principessa said:
Look, if you don't show for dinner this Sunday, you're gonna be in deep shit! I told you that the other day when I reminded you. God you have a terrible memory. Mama didn't drop you, she must have tried making you bounce! :kiss:

And you did nothing to stop it, did you?:mad: