Will you write this???


Really Experienced
Oct 25, 2012
Before I post this idea on the board i need to know if you will understand what kind of idea this is! Brace yourself! It's not an erotic story! It has pretty much no sex scenes at all! I need help for making a sci-fi action set in the future with a PG-13 or a Rated R (Just for gory violence and action!!!). You heard it! A sexless action packed sci-fi story idea! If anybody wants to help me take on this project I will post my idea!
Even in Harry Potter they had sex at least once. Or was there a make your own kid spell?
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Why would someone commit to writing a story with no other info other than, "It's a sci-fi epic with action scenes!" Especially since writing a good story (especially one with complex world building and complex action scenes) can take up to twenty hours of time. If you're looking for a collaborator--especially one who will obey your story line limits and restrictions--you have to provide more than that, IMO.

Leading man or woman

Love interest, probably reluctant


The Corporation


A bar scene with possible fight.

Now... write!!!!
It's a post apocalyptic cyberpunk action set in the futuristic nuclear devastated world with cyborgs and robots. It has a female lead character who is a badass sexy cyborg. The look of the idea is like a Mad Max, Bourne identity, and Terminator.
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It's a post apocalyptic cyberpunk action set in the futuristic nuclear devastated world with cyborgs and robots. It has a female lead character who is a badass sexy cyborg. The look of the idea is like a Mad Max, Bourne identity, and Terminator.

Why don't you write it? It sounds derivative and uninteresting already. Do you even know the real effects of what "nuclear devastation" would be?
Leading man or woman

Love interest, probably reluctant


The Corporation


A bar scene with possible fight.

Now... write!!!!

-Your fucking with me right?
-The fuck is the?
-LiquidMathe is always one me for pulling undetailed shit like this. But i'm not this bad. You need to be more involved in the creative process than this. this is not a Chinese factory!
Thank you! Made my evening, lol. :)

I've been looking out for your take on the closet story, just for the heck of it. Any idea when it'll be out, and under what category?

Waiting on Laurel to review and post it. Ill post a.link when its posted.
-Your fucking with me right?
-The fuck is the?
-LiquidMathe is always one me for pulling undetailed shit like this. But i'm not this bad. You need to be more involved in the creative process than this. this is not a Chinese factory!

I was joking. The mosy basic stereotypical elements of a sci+fi anything.