Will the house under Nancy Pelosi ever get back to regular order?


Literotica Guru
Mar 23, 2019
So! Pelosi and the left are satisfied to accept governance by executive fiat giving the executive branch too much power, reconciliation cannot be a substitute for regular order.


The legislative branch of the U.S. government has stopped doing the simple things. There are 435 representatives and 100 senators. For an entity of that size to function, sensible rules must govern the careful consideration of legislation. That process is called “regular order.”
The goal is to create as much disarray and chaos as possible, without it affecting them personally, so that they can remain in perpetual power.

You'll notice, come next year, that the R's won't do anything to change the status quo we're currently enjoying. Which they can easily do beginning right now by refusing to appear at the judicial committee hearings for KBJ and preventing the committee from having a quorum to vote and advance the nomination to the floor. Currently the D's don't have enough floor votes to support overturning the quorum requirement.

This would be a beginning of fighting back against the bullshit we've had to endure from the D's trying to destroy our society and its laws but the R's won't do it. Why? Because they're comfy in their positions of power and won't rock the boat too much.
Will the House Republicans ever show up to do the job the United States needs and they they are being paid to do?
So! Pelosi and the left are satisfied to accept governance by executive fiat giving the executive branch too much power, reconciliation cannot be a substitute for regular order.


The legislative branch of the U.S. government has stopped doing the simple things. There are 435 representatives and 100 senators. For an entity of that size to function, sensible rules must govern the careful consideration of legislation. That process is called “regular order.”
More and more Congress seems to have ceded to the administrative state a body of declarative law that governs much of society and now seems content to have reimagined itself as an investigatory body.
Professional bureaucrats run the show, sometimes with the help of allied politicians
and oftentimes, just dragging their feet, trying to out wait terms of office
and oftentimes, just taking the law into their own hands by the
expedient of making up, determining or interpreting rules
and regulations based upon their own political
leanings. Poster Child: Lois Lerner.
Will the House Republicans ever show up to do the job the United States needs and they they are being paid to do?
Funny. I seem to remember it's the DEMOCRATS who stage walkouts and who run away to other jurisdictions/countries in order to avoid "showing up and doing the job they're paid to do."
Funny. I seem to remember it's the DEMOCRATS who stage walkouts and who run away to other jurisdictions/countries in order to avoid "showing up and doing the job they're paid to do."
The only I remember that happening was when the Pubs were trying to an unprecedented second post-census redistricting in Texas.
The only I remember that happening was when the Pubs were trying to an unprecedented second post-census redistricting in Texas.
Me too. Now, in the US Senate in 2019-21, the Republicans showed up, but literally hundreds of bills passed by the House never even got a vote.