will Miguel Cabrera....


The Usual.
Feb 25, 2010
get the triple crown or no?

i hope so.. he's got what, 9 games left an is one homerun shy from getting the triple crown.

hamilton leads in homeruns by one.

rbi's - miguel
batting average- miguel by a margin (jeter isn't too far away... .331 miguel an jeter's avg. is .322

so yeah.. who thinks he'll get it.
is okay my baseball fans not to like detriot, but you gota give props when props is earned.
I hope he does. We need some good light on Detroit. I thought the winter classic would do that but with the fuckin lockout and all.

Detroit really isn't too bad once you learn what streets to avoid. Probably no worse then any other major city.

Flint on the other hand...
I hope he does. We need some good light on Detroit. I thought the winter classic would do that but with the fuckin lockout and all.

Detroit really isn't too bad once you learn what streets to avoid. Probably no worse then any other major city.

Flint on the other hand...

i'm surprise @ there record this yr. they got the team to actually win 100+ games an they didn't.

another surprise that i got, is the nationals. crazy huh? last yr they looked it like the pirates, probly worst. hahah

i can't wait til the postseason brah
Wow...Say "Detroit" without bashing. The Tigers really underpreformed this year. But if they play the last 7 like they started the season, all the way baby.
Wow...Say "Detroit" without bashing. The Tigers really underpreformed this year. But if they play the last 7 like they started the season, all the way baby.

their lineup is scary in a way.

they shouldve won a 100 games atleast... no less than 90
their lineup is scary in a way.

they shouldve won a 100 games atleast... no less than 90

When I was a little squirt, Prince and Cecil lived probably 3 or 4 miles down the road. I didn't know it until a few years ago. I was like why would a pro baseball player wanna live in the 'burbs man.
When I was a little squirt, Prince and Cecil lived probably 3 or 4 miles down the road. I didn't know it until a few years ago. I was like why would a pro baseball player wanna live in the 'burbs man.

more like, mansion status. lol
get the triple crown or no?

i hope so.. he's got what, 9 games left an is one homerun shy from getting the triple crown.

hamilton leads in homeruns by one.

rbi's - miguel
batting average- miguel by a margin (jeter isn't too far away... .331 miguel an jeter's avg. is .322

so yeah.. who thinks he'll get it.

Let's root for him, he's the best hitter in baseball right now, better then Puholz.