Wild Things - A biker's tale (Closed)


Jul 20, 2022
Jane Parker had been waiting for this weekend all of her life.

Her earliest memories as a child had been of her parents taking her camping to the Peak district in their 'combination'. Dad piloting the bike and her sitting on her mum's lap in the sidecar. To a young girl growing up on the streets of Sheffield, those journeys had been the stuff of magic

Eventually her parents bought a car but her dad kept the Triumph and as she grew up he would take her pillion on the back of the bike. As her dad's career progressed however there was less time to ride and the bike had sat in the garage gradually decaying. For Jane, the spark had been lit however.

Tinker, or to give him his proper name Mark Burke was three years older than Jane and had been in the same school year as her elder brother, Peter. Both of them started messing about on mopeds when they were sixteen but then Peter had joined the Army. Tink however had got a job as an apprentice electrician in the foundry and kept up his interest in bikes, passing his full bike test and then prospecting for the Black Wolves when he turned twenty.

The Black Wolves M.C. were a well known Sheffield motorcycle club. They weren't criminals but they got into a lot of fights and were often seen riding around town on their noisy bikes, which meant that they often caught the attention of the police. Jane was in awe of their lifestyle. To her they were modern day cowboys. rebels without a cause.

Jane always had a thing for Tink' but out of respect for her brother he had kept his distance. She knew he fancied her though, she saw the way he looked at her maturing body. When she turned seventeen he asked her out. Jane went out with him as a friend but when he asked her to go steady she refused. Tink had only just begun Prospecting for the Black Wolves and Jane knew that being the girlfriend of a Prospect was a thankless, if not a downright dangerous, task. Nevertheless she made him a promise. She told him she'd wait for him to make 'Full Patch' and then, if he still wanted her, he could have her. Completely.

It took eighteen months for Tink to make 'Full Patch' and the night after he'd celebrated with his biker buddies, he'd taken Jane out to claim what she'd promised. It had been Jane's first taste of sex, and probably Tink's too. Jane hadn't wanted to ask and in any case, it didn't matter to her as long as Tink wanted her now. It seemed he did, and Jane took to satisfying her boyfriend's desire to make up for lost time like a duck to water.

Much to her parent's horror she moved in with Tink soon after. He rented a shabby two bedroom flat off the council as well as a ‘lock-up’ for his bike, a Kawasaki Kz1000. Since moving in that November, they'd spent a winter together, working, having sex and going to the pub. Tink took her out on the bike on weekends on club runs and she tried to be the perfect girlfriend. Respectful, not too demanding and always supportive of her man. Her petite frame made her the ideal pillion passenger and she loved being on the bike with Tink. Her arms wrapped around his waist as he sped along.

As the girlfriend of a full patch member Jane was treated as Tink's property by other club member, which she enjoyed. Now, with summer just around the corner, it was time to go on the first of many rallies with her man and the Black Wolves that year.

The destination was a large music festival near Leeds. Anyone could attend but it was mainly bikers who did. Sabbath and Judas Priest were on the bill along with a host of other big names. Everyone would be camping.

Their tent was packed, along with camping gear, tools and spares for the bike. The remaining space was used for Jane’s clothes (mainly chosen by Tink for their revealing nature) a few toiletries and some food and drink. All that was needed now was for Tink to get back from work.

And then she heard the unmistakable sound of his bike coming down the street…
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Tinker felt like the luckiest man in the world. He had a good job, a good place to live, great mates and a great bike. And he had the sexiest girl in the world as a girlfriend.

He’d always fancied Jane. She was his mates’ sister and he always found an excuse to go round Pete’s house just so he could see her, knowing that she liked him looking at her. When she left school he asked her out but she acted all shy, telling him they had to wait a while till they got together properly. Their first proper night together, he’d fucked her silly, years of pent-up frustration spilling out of him. She must have liked it because they started going steady and she even moved in with him.

She was only small but she was gorgeous, with a tight little bum and perky little tits and she was absolutely mad for sex. It didn’t matter how hard he fucked her she always wanted more, sometimes shagging him till he was nearly too sore to carry on. Even when he was in the pub with his mates, she wouldn’t say anything but she’d give him that look that said she wanted to go home and fuck.

They’d fucked in every room in the house and sometimes read the letters in Fiesta together, even trying out some of the mad things the readers said they’d been up too. They’d look at the models with their tits out and legs spread wide open and Jane would ask if he thought they were sexier than her and he’d tell her she was sexier and hotter than any of them, and he meant it. He asked her would she like to have her photo taken like that and have men wanking over her, she pretended to be coy and shy and said she could never do that, but something in her eyes told him she’d love to.

He was thinking about all of this as he rode to pick her up, enjoying every bump in the road that made the bike seat bang against his boner. They were going away for the weekend, the weather was meant to be nice and he’d finally get the chance to show her off, it was gonna be wild!
She was waiting for him, exactly on time the way he knew she would be. She was wearing jeans and her leather jacket, her make-up done nice and a big smile on her face. Normally she’d just put her helmet on and climb on behind him but he dismounted, took his helmet off and kissed her, Jane immediately pressing her body into his and feeling his hardness, her hand reaching down and rubbing him through his jeans, “Thinking of me babe?”

“Always.” This was going to be a great weekend.

They met up with some other members of the Black Wolves and rode down together, kings of the road, enjoying the looks of admiration and sometimes fear in peoples faces as they rode by.

The campsite was massive and the Black Wolves found an area to set up their ‘camp’, big enough for all their tents and bikes and for everyone to have a little bit of space to themselves. After a bit of messing and a beer with the other club members everyone set about putting their tents up.

“Should I get changed first before we put up the tent?” Jane asked him.

It was a nice evening and she was already just wearing her jeans and t-shirt, tucked in and showing her small boobs off nicely. He didn’t why she wanted to change or where she was going to do it but said. “Yeah, if you want to.”

She got her bag and told him to stand still and she’d get changed behind him so no one could see. It was a bit mad in the middle of a field but he played along. He heard her unzip her jeans and couldn’t help but take a sneaky look. She was about three feet behind him and anyone who wanted to see her could, she bent and removed her jeans, giving him a beautiful smile as she straightened, her t-shirt just covering her knickers. She bent again and pulled up some tights over her lovely slim legs and then a very short denim skirt, that he’d chosen, over the tights. When she was done she winked at him and he turned his head back around. All the other club members and their girlfriends had stopped what they were doing and were watching, some with big smiles on their faces, others giving him the thumbs up.

It was fun putting up the tent together, especially as Jane’s skirt rode up every time she bent over. As is always the bleeding case they were short of tent pegs, no one in the club seemed to have spares and some were even short themselves. Jane said she’d walk around the camp site and see if anyone had any spares. Before he could say anything she walked off, many eyes following and her ass wiggling wonderfully as she walked across the uneven ground. She returned a while later with about a dozen pegs, enough for them and a few others.

She had a big smile on her face and told the whole group about knocking on a tent and asking did they have any spare tentpegs, even bent ones. The couple inside were a bit out of it and gave her a funny look, the girl eventually started searching through her handbag. They thought she’d asked for spare Tampax, even bent ones.

Everyone laughed at this and one of the other girlfriends passed her a beer, Jane’s face lighting up with happiness and mine with pride.
Jane felt pleased to have been useful to Tinker over the tent peg situation and, with the old Belgian army surplus two man tent pegged out, they could finally relax and enjoy the weekend.

She willingly accepted the lager offered to her by one of the other girls and took a long slug out of the can. It wasn't that cold but it was wet and she was very thirsty. Since moving in with Tink she'd started to drink a lot more than when she'd lived with her parents but, compared to most there, she was still a lightweight.

There were probably twenty tents in their group, each with a bike parked next to it. Not all of the guys had girlfriends but those that did fitted a stereotype. They were all quite 'brassy', easy on the eye and, although loud, respectful of their boyfriend or husbands. Tinker had told her to watch her step with the other girls and try not to get on the wrong side of any of them. Although he was a full patch club member now he was still one of the juniors.

The hierarchy amongst the men was obvious, if only in the way the tents were laid out. 'Flash', the President of the Black Wolves was in a group of four tents with 'Steady Eddie' the Vice President, 'Jaws' the Road Captain, and 'Tiny' the Sergeant at Arms. These men were older, probably early thirties, which wasn't a surprise as the Black Wolves had been going since the 'sixties. They all had wives and the wives all had tattoos.

The next group were the old timers. These were the ones who'd been there in the sixties. They were all men. There were no wives in this group. They'd all stayed at home. Although still 'honorary' club members these men weren't that active in the club any more but they enjoyed the social aspect and according to Tinker, they all had tales to tell.

The biggest group were the rank and file of which Tinker was now one. Many were in their late twenties and early thirties. Some had wives or girlfriends while some did not. Tinker, as a new member was one of the youngest and therefore the lowliest.

The final group of tents belonged to the two new Prospects. Prospecting at a rally was no fun. You weren't there to enjoy yourself you were there to make sure that the rest of the club enjoyed themselves. Keeping the beers stocked and cool and making sure that the barbecue was open and running and that there was enough wood for the bonfire. If they were lucky, Prospects got a couple of hours sleep a night. It was a right of passage though. All the men had done it. If you couldn't hack it then the Black Wolves weren't for you.

Tink wasn't the only 'junior' member in the rank and file. He'd prospected and 'Patched-in' at the same time as Crash. The two of them were the same age and they'd become good friends. Crash was unusual in that he was already married, to his childhood sweetheart, Fiona. Crash and Fiona were a good looking couple and through the boys' friendship Jane had got to know Fiona quite well over the winter. Fiona was the same age as Tinker and Crash and Jane felt a bit like her little sister, but the girls got on well with each other. So it was natural that when they finally all sat down to enjoy a beer that the two couples sought each other out.
"What you smiling at ya daft git?"

The shit-eating grin on Tink's face grew even wider as he looked at his friends staring faces. He took another swig of his can before answering Crash's question.

"Man this is fucking brilliant." He gestured, pointing with his beer can, taking in his close friends and also their wider biker gang, "good friends, beautiful women and good beer."
"I'll drink to that." Crash said, the four of them smiling, raising their cans and taking a drink.

He knew he had to play it cool but he just felt fucking brilliant. He wanted to jump up and down and shout and tell the world that he was a Full Patch member of the mighty Black Wolves MC, and fuck everyone else.
Instead he got up and got another four cans of beer.

It was still early summer and even though it was a nice evening it was beginning to get a bit chilly. He sat down with the cans and pulled Jane in close to him, his hand slipping beneath her and grabbing a handful of gorgeous ass.

Some of the older, more senior members were starting to get a bit raucous, it was good natured enough and everyone was laughing, as much out of respect as anything else.

Tink, Jane, Crash and Fiona smiled and laughed with everyone else but stayed in their own little bubble, knowing that they were well down the pecking order, both as members and as their partners.

They talked about what bands they were looking forward to seeing and what other events and entertainment were going on over the weekend.

As everyone drank more the noise level of their little camp was rising, only regular spurts of dirty laughter rising above the din. Their own conversation was getting saucier and Tink was loving it.

Him and Crash went for a slash, stood next to each other chatting , the way men do.
"Fuck man, I'm starting to get really horny."
"Me too."
The guys wandering off to find the toilets gave Fiona and Jane a chance to talk.

"How's it going with Tinker?" Fiona asked.

"Fantastic, really good," Jane replied.

"You're still in the honeymoon period," Fiona said, laughing. "Sex every night?"

"Pretty much," Jane replied laughing too. "You mean it isn't always like that?" she joked.

"You'll find out," Fiona said knowingly.

"How's it going with you and Crash?"

"It's fine. He's like a dog with two dicks now that he's become a full patch. But honestly, there were times when i could have left him while he was prospecting for the Wolves. Let's just say it definitely wasn't sex every night. They had him running around from pillar to post."

Jane knew what it was like for prospects in the Black Wolves. She'd seen how hard Tinker had needed to work to get his patch and she was glad that she hadn't been his girl then.

"But it's good now?" she asked.

"Crash and I have know each other since we were seven. Let's just say we found new ways to spice up our sex life," Fiona replied enigmatically.

Soon after the boys came back, Flash, the President called everyone together for a team talk.

"Lads," he said. "I want you on your best behaviour this weekend. Remember the patch on your back tells everyone who you are. We don't want to get a bad rep' or we won't be allowed back next year. But that doesn't mean you take any shit either. If someone disrespects you or the patch then you stand up to them. You're a fucking Black Wolf and you don't back down for anyone. Understood?"

There was a chant of agreement and Jane could feel the testosterone levels rising

"So let's go and fucking enjoy ourselves!"

A cheer went up from the Wolves and people started moving towards the beer tent.

"Are you ready, ladies?" Crash asked the two girls with mock politeness...
Tink and Crash let the ladies go first, more so that they could gawk at their asses than out of gentlemanliness. And what asses they were, Jane's small and pert, Fiona's more hippy and rounded, something to grab onto as you got carried away.

Neither man was shy about staring, both admiring each ass before finally looking at each other, Crash making a 'phwoar' sound with his lips and Tink smiling.

The beer tent was already heaving, the heat and even the smell a nice reprieve from the light chill of the night. Crash went to try and fight his way to the long bar, Tink staying with the ladies and smiling to himself as he thought, 'you can't trust these fucking bikers.'
He'd been there last year, albeit as a prospect, so had an idea what to expect, the noise and the atmosphere overloading the senses.

He didn't think Jane or Fiona had ever been anywhere like it, their faces a mixture of excitement and
Tink and Crash let the ladies go first, more so that they could gawk at their asses than out of gentlemanliness. And what asses they were, Jane's small and pert, Fiona's more hippy and rounded, something to grab onto as you got carried away.

Neither man was shy about staring, both admiring each ass before finally looking at each other, Crash making a 'phwoar' sound with his lips and Tink smiling.

The beer tent was already heaving, the heat and even the smell a nice reprieve from the light chill of the night. Crash went to try and fight his way to the long bar, Tink staying with the ladies and smiling to himself as he thought, 'you can't trust these fucking bikers.'
He'd been there last year, albeit as a prospect, so had an idea what to expect, the noise and the atmosphere overloading the senses.

He didn't think Jane or Fiona had ever been anywhere like it, their faces a mixture of excitement and nervousness. Crash returned with the drinks, one of the new prospects helping him carry them. He looked a bit fucked off and Tink smiled at him, thinking you've got a long weekend ahead of you yet mate.

The tent was getting busier and the Wolves found themselves an area where they could all stand. Everyone had had a good bit to drink and some were showing the signs of it, everyone laughing when one fella came back from the bogs staggering a bit.

The girls were chatting and laughing and so were Tink and Crash, their conversation stopping when some decent music came on. Tink was tall and was looking over peoples heads to see where it was coming from when he felt Fiona push back into him, her soft jeans covered ass feeling wonderful against his crotch. She pushed back again before seeming to realize her mistake, only looking a little embarrassed as she smiled at him and moved to do the same thing to Crash, who now had a big grin on his face.
The girls knew that the boys would be looking at their backsides as they walked behind them and both gave their hips a bit more sway than they might otherwise have done. Jane chatted to Fiona as they made their way to the beer tent, glad of the female company.

The beer tent was hot and humid compared to the night air. It was crammed with people drinking while they waited for the first band of the evening. Some of the guys looked scary to Jane and she stayed close to Tinker, careful not to get separated from him.

The first band of the evening was a Thin Lizzy tribute act and when they started up, people moved closer to the stage. The band were real crowd pleasers playing all the hits and getting the audience up on their feet.

Jane was up and dancing when she noticed Fiona pushing her bottom into Tink’s crotch then feigning surprise that it wasn’t Crash. Jane was surprised by the supposed mistake but Crash didn’t seem to mind, laughing about it.

“Is your wife making a move on my boyfriend?” Jane asked Crash, laughing.

“Seems so,” Crash replied.

“Well we can’t be left out, can we?” she laughed.

Bold as brass. Jane pushed her bottom into Crash’s crotch and wiggled it it for him. Then she thought she’d better claim her own man and moved over to Tink, doing the same to him and then inviting Tink to put his arms around her. Fiona moved over to her husband and they enjoyed the rest of the set.
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Tink felt a bit confused. Fiona, maybe by accident, had just stuck her ass into his crotch, and then Jane, his Jane, had definitely not by accident grinded her ass into Crash’s groin and dick, a big smile on both their faces as she did so.

Now she was stood in front of him, pushing her body back into his, his dick hardening of its own accord and pushing into her lower back, Jane wiggling her ass and moving her back side to side as she rubbed off it. It felt great and he found his hands caressing the sides of her body, rubbing off the sides of her boobs as they swayed to the music and he pushed back into her.

Fiona was doing something similar to Crash but they seemed more interested in watching Tink and Jane, both of them smiling as Jane became more animated, moving her body with the music and grabbing his hands and bringing them to her front, almost forcing him to hold her tits as she bucked her body to ‘The boys are back in town.’

It was the bands last number and they left the stage to great applause and cheers of more, more. Jane turned and in one move pulled his head down for a toe curling kiss, grinding her crotch against his leg, only breaking the embrace as the noise around them told them the band had come back on.

The guitarist went into a Gary Moore style guitar solo, giving it loads until the heavy bass kicked in and the crowd went wild, everyone knowing they were playing ‘Jailbreak.’ Before he knew what was happening Fiona had grabbed his hand and dragged him into the mass of swaying bodies.

More people pressed in behind them and they were soon trapped and being buffeted by the crowd. Being a little drunk Tink couldn’t help but get carried away by the music and the atmosphere. He widened his stance for stability and held on to Fiona’s hips to stop her from falling, holding her tight against himself as they danced best they could. She was really into it, shaking her head and body wildly, allowing Tink to virtually dry hump her as they moved. Jailbreak finished and the band went into “Whisky in the jar’ The crowd stopped jumping around but stayed packed together, Fiona still pressed into him as they joined in the singing.

The music stopped and Fiona turned to face him, her long hair and face a mess of sweat and a big sexy smile. Looking into his face she stood on tiptoes and kissed him. He sort of knew it was coming but still felt uncomfortable, not really returning her kiss but instead taking her hand and turning to go and find Jane and Crash.

They were still stood where they’d left them, both looking a little red and flustered. He wondered if they’d also been dancing.
Jane wiggled her body up against Tink’s as the band played. She knew he was getting turned on, she could feel the bulge in his jeans pressing against her. She liked it when he put his arms around her, she felt protected.

She decided that Tink needed a treat and so she turned around and gave him a very public kiss. She knew that Fiona and Crash were watching but she didn’t care.

Jane and Tink canoodled with each other until the band came back on for an encore, Then Jane turned around to watch them play for the last time. But, as she did, Fiona suprised her and dragged Tink into the mass of bodies at the front of the stage.

“Fi’ seems to like your boyfriend,” Crash shouted over the noise of the band.

“It looks that way,” Jane laughed.

“I think she might be giving him a taste of what could be on offer tomorrow night.”

“Sorry?” Jane said confused.

“Fi said she'd told you we like to spice up our sex life.”

“Yeah, but she didnt say how,” Jane replied, the penny beginning to drop in her head.

Crash reached around and lifted up the back of Jane's denim skirt, placing a hand on her bottom. In the crowd nobody could see him doing it.

“So what do you say. Fancy swapping partners tomorrow night?” he said as he pulled her towards him.

Jane was shocked by the boldness of the proposition but not offended. Crash was a good looking guy and this was the 80’s after all. But she knew she had to be careful. Even though Crash was junior he was still a fully patched Wolf and therefore entitled to her respect. She couldn’t agree to anything though without first talking to Tinker.

“You know i belong to Tinker, Crash. I couldn’t do anything without his permission.”

“I’ll talk to Tink tomorrow,” Crash told her. “But that didn’t sound like a ‘no’ to me,” he grinned.

Jane blushed as the blood ran to her face. Crash squeezed her backside one last time then let her go.

"Do you want me to talk to Tinker tonight?” she asked.

“No,” Crash said assertively. “It’s man’s business.”

Jane knew that the code between the Wolves meant that Crash wouldn’t do anything without first seeking Tinker’s permission. As far he and the rest of the club was concerned, Jane was Tink’s property. Just as Fiona belonged to Crash. The girls might not have seen it entirely that way but if you wanted to be the ol’ lady of a Patch holder then those were the rules. As far as the club was concerned, if any of the patches wanted to swap or just give their ol' lady away for the night then they could and there wasn't much they could do about it.
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They were still buzzing as they made their way back to the tents. The girls walked in front again, holding hands and happily chatting away, their men happily just staring at their bums. Maybe he was a bit drunk but Tink definitely thought they looked even sexier than earlier. Still feeling horny from dancing with Fiona, the thought of getting Jane back to their tent had him nearly bursting out of his jeans.

Some of the older Wolves were sat around a fire and beckoned Tink and Crash to join them. Fuck, Tink really didn’t want to but didn’t want to disrespect them either. The women would do whatever their men wanted but he was torn, nearly about to go and sit by the fire when Crash came to the rescue, making some lewd remarks and saying he had to give his misses a good seeing too. The older Wolves laughing and waving them away with their hands as Tink made a silly face signaling that he was about to do the same.

Their tents were next to each other’s and as they got there the women turned and gave each other a hug, holding it for a few moments as the men slapped each other on the shoulder, saying goodnight.

Jane bent over and unzipped the tent, Tink putting his hands on her ass and nearly pushing her inside. It was a small tent but Jane was still able to kneel up inside, already facing him as he clambered in and launching herself on top of him as he laid down on top of his sleeping bag. She was insatiable, kissing him, pulling at his clothes and then undressing herself once he was naked. He pulled her back on top and made her sit astride him, clutching her ass cheeks and entering her roughly, Jane just having time to grab his dick and line it up before he thrusted into her.

Fuck he was horny, his hands pawing and pinching at her small tits as he nearly bounced her off with each thrust, grabbing her hair and holding her in place as he thrust one last time, exploding deep inside of her.

They slept on one sleeping bag with the other thrown over them. He woke as it was just getting light, his cock as hard and as engorged as was the night before. Jane was on her side with her back to him, would he get up and pee or would he fuck Jane again. He lifted her leg and pushed upwards, Jane’s hand coming down and directing him. It was tight and he took his time, Jane pushing back into him as they found a rhythm, his hand finding her boob and gently rolling the nipple between his fingers, Jane twisting her head and the two of them craning their necks to try and kiss.

God, he loved this woman.
They were still buzzing as they made their way back to the tents. The girls walked in front again, holding hands and happily chatting away, their men happily just staring at their bums.

He was fairly drunk but not drunk enough to not think about or remember what had gone on in the beer tent. Fiona had definitely been coming on to him, he’d enjoyed it, his body reacting the way a mans does. Jane had been equally if not more flirty with Crash, and Fiona, Crash and Jane had all been smiling about it. He wasn’t innocent or stupid but neither had he been expecting things to go this way.

Crash was one of his best mates and they’d talked about sex, not in serious terms but more in terms of which page three bird had the best tits, or which female TV presenter you’d fuck.

He’d met Fiona many times with Crash and she’d always been nice to him, but nothing more. He knew there was something more going on and was nervous but also excited to see what it was

As they got back to the tents some of the older Wolves were sat around a fire and beckoned Tink and Crash to join them. Fuck, Tink really didn’t want to but didn’t want to disrespect them either. The women would do whatever their men wanted but he was torn, nearly about to go and sit by the fire when Crash came to the rescue, making some lewd remarks and saying he had to give his misses a good seeing too. The older Wolves laughing and waving them away with their hands as Tink made a silly face signaling that he was about to do the same.

Their tents were next to each other’s and as they got there the women turned and gave each other a hug, holding it for a few moments and saying a last few words, the men just slapping each other on the shoulder as a way of saying goodnight.

As Jane was bent over unzipping the tent a rude idea came to Tink, He lifted her short skirt, exposing her bum in the moon light, Crash giving a low wolf whistle and saying ‘what could you do with that’, and Fiona laughing and saying ‘goodnight, see you tomorrow.’