Wife is getting into this fetish of mine


Really Experienced
Jul 7, 2008
If this is the wrong place i apologize, if the mods want to move it please do.

Well, I just wanted to share this with everyone because I am so happy about it. The other day i was texting my wife and she asked if i was being a good little bitch, and i was not expecting that. So i went with it and next thing i know i am telling her how her little bitch needs to wear her corset out in public. She replied that that kind of made her hot.

That night i come home from work, and after i take my shower she brings me some panties and my corset. She Ties my corset down as tight as it will go and i get dressed. So she works night shift so she leaves for work about an hour later and i go to bed still wearing the corset.

The next day she lays down in bed and we sleep in till about noon. When we wake up she decides we want to out to eat. She hands me a pair of my womens jeans and i am still wearing the corset. I put on a regular guys shirt over it, and off we go.

Now, it was really awkward having this thing on under my clothes and also wearing those jeans. We went to wal-mart after we ate so I was definitely self conscious about all this.

At the same time it was also really hot. Here I was with my manhood tucked between my legs, wearing panties and women's jeans and a corset under my shirt. Se left for work about an hour ago and she left the corset on me!

I just think it's really cool she is so understanding and supportive about this. I think something that has helped is, at her work, a casino, there is a guy who comes in who is a cross-dresser. He always tries to hide it while he is there but she has been talking to him and he actually has been coming out of his shell because of her. It's a long story but, she is the only one that he has actually opened up to about who he is.

So anyway, long story short. Here is a shout out to my wife. Best thing that ever happened to me!

I'm happy that your wife has gotten into your fetish. Hope you have a lot of fun for a long time together.
You sound like a fun couple. Hope your experience continues to be positive. And good for your wife for being nice to the CD who visits her casino.
That's so great! People in committed relationships doing what it takes to make other happy. I love it!