wife becomes another woman's slut


Oct 19, 2002
This is a first time post so apologies if I get anything wrong. This storyline is based on our true life situation. I am a forty something happily married to my current wife for 20 yrs. We have loads of fantasies but the current one really turns me on. We have met through some friends a black girl called Donna. She is a large girl and quite butch looking. Lyn my wife is bi and has had the odd fling during our marriage and she has admitted to being very attracted to Donna and in our fantasies we imagine Donna seducing Lyn and making her a sex slave. Lyn doesn't usually like violence in any form but she really gets off on the idea of Donna being rough with her and as she puts it 'knocking me about'!

The story would start with Lyn going to Donna's flat and being fucked. At first it would be very sensual with Donna slowly seducing Lyn over a bottle or two of wine. Instead of coming home Lyn would stay the night with Donna making love every which way. During the night Donna would tie Lyn to the bed and fuck her with a dildo and start calling her names. Lyn would really get off on this.

A few days later Donna takes Lyn out and makes her buy lots of sexy gear. Chokers, chains, butt plugs, nipple clamps, etc. so that their games could move on. Lyn does as she is told - she is slowly falling under Donna's total control.

Soon Lyn would be seeing Donna nearly all the time and would be almost totally ignoring me. She would dress for Donna, cook for Donna, do whatever Donna wanted. She would be tied up and used by Donna and love every minute of it.

From then on Donna would use Lyn whenever and however she wanted. She'd phone Lyn up whenever she felt like it and make Lyn go to see her. She'd come to our house and use and abuse Lyn in front of me. The nastier and crueller that Donna gets with Lyn the more Lyn does what she's told. She tells Lyn not to fuck me anymore because she's Donna's whore - she even has to have those words tattooed on her thigh. Lyn will no longer let me touch her.

Donna then gets Lyn into drugs. At first just dope but soon she's feeding Lyn crack and getting her hooked. Donna then starts selling Lyn to men to fuck and use. She even has them coming round to our house to fuck her in front of me. Lyn just dresses up for them and lets them fuck her anyway they like - 2,3 or more at a time sometimes. She throws parties where guys fuck her and then they make Lyn lick the cum from Donna's oozing pussy.....

Well that's about as far as I've got. Post back with comments.

subhubby said:
Donna then gets Lyn into drugs.

how important is this detail? Maybe Lyn would allow herself to be pimped out for the sheer enjoyment of submitting to Donna. Does she have to become a crack-head? Important for us to know because otherwise your story is rather specific and could make a good one.


subhubby never replied, but does anyone share Chicklet's enthusiasm? should we discuss this one or let it die?
yes, blacksnake?

I'm happy that someone bumped this while I was gone... I like the story idea... just not some of the more intense aspects of it.

any comments?

the drug angle could be left out if it troubles you, although it gives the easiest short explanation why she does it- "crack whore" being common parlance.

I think the intensity otherwise is what makes it more than a tawdry Shannon Tweed Housewife Hooker direct to video plot.
Thanks for the feedback. The crack idea (which seems to cause some contention) was a very late idea and probably needs further thought. It does fall into the 'crack whore' notion and I'm not sure now I've read some of the replies that I'm that comfortable with it - I guess it's a matter of whether Lyn's descent into whoring can be explained by the control Donna manages to exert over her.
sirhugs said:
the drug angle could be left out if it troubles you, although it gives the easiest short explanation why she does it- "crack whore" being common parlance.

I think the intensity otherwise is what makes it more than a tawdry Shannon Tweed Housewife Hooker direct to video plot.

Do you want to read erotica in which the main character can think of nothing but her next hit?
Chicklet said:
Do you want to read erotica in which the main character can think of nothing but her next hit?

it changes the theme of the story. It certainly would not be a "stroke" story, even from hubby's POV. It would be a deep character study of how a woman goes from doing something for fun to hating it, and the loss hubby suffers as a result.

I suppose the sex scenes might have some "uplifting" value, but I see it as a fairly heavy topic for Lit. That's why I think its a better story wothout the drugs, which is what I think I agreed with all along.