Wife away for the weekend with another guy

That must be delicious torture the whole time she is away. When she returns does she tell you about her adventures?
That must be delicious torture the whole time she is away. When she returns does she tell you about her adventures?
Delicious torture. I don't think I've ever heard it described so perfectly. Yes, she always gives me every single detail
My wife attended medical conventions in other cities. On two occasions, she agreed to meet younger men at the hotel. Although the attended some convention events, they effectively spent the weekends together having sex. Our agreement was that she could only have one "date" with any other man, so it counted as one long date.
As the title says, my sexy wife is on a little getaway weekend with another guy, which is always such a rush just imagining what they're getting up to at any given moment. Always enjoy talking about her and our relationship dynamic with anyone who's interested.
Yes this excites me too