Wife at bachelorette party


Really Experienced
Jan 4, 2012
My wife is supposed to go to a bachelorette party at a friends house coming up. I’m a bit nervous and it sure what to expect, the thought of their being a stripper there is driving me crazy. Any women ever been to one or any husbands ever heard from your wife what goes on.
I've definitely gotten into some fun at bachelorette parties. They can also be rather tame. Really depends on the group of girls.
Gosh I never even thought about that. Have you done this.
Oh sweet thing- your talking to a woman with over 2000 posts on a porn message board- if your scared of your wife SEEING another cock you wouldn’t even be married if she was friends with me

Like I said 99% are boring- but I know this- the ones that are not are the most carefully kept secrets among women- you will NEVER know if your wife was at one of those wild ones.

I guess you’ll just have to trust her.

You trust her right? You don’t thing she wants to feel another man’s cock do you? Maybe just squeeze it a little bit?
You are naughty, what is the most women yiu have bee at a party like this with with only one nude stripper.
You are naughty, what is the most women yiu have bee at a party like this with with only one nude stripper.
It’s not about me- it’s about how cock hungry your wife will be once she gets the chance
Honey- it’s not the stripper you worry about, it’s the stripper getting ONE friend worked up…… then that one convinces them all to go out…… then they meet some guys all horny………

Stripper is just the gateway cock.
Hahaha - I like the term "Gateway Cock".