widowed business man and nanny


Literotica Guru
May 27, 2012
Name: Charlotte Green
Age: 24
Description: blonde straight long hair, brown eye, tanned skin, size 8, 30D boobs, cute smile and tight curvy ass.
History: has been the nanny to Amy 10, Corey 7 and Sophia 4 for 3 years. Their mother sadly passed away. She and the farther of the free children have always been very flirty with each other and have even shared passionate kissed.

Charlotte was sat watching tv with Sophia cuddle up on her lap. She had Corey leaning against her and Amy was sat on the other couch. She had let them stay so they could dee their dad. She was in http://www.greatglam.com/pd-my-girl.cfm#

She heard his car up and he came into the house the kids went running over to him hugging his legs. "Hey you three give your dad some space." She said walking over. She smiled at him.
Name: Shane Williams
Age: 35
Description: 6 ft tall, 185 lbs, solid frame, brown hair, green eyes

He pulled up in the driveway to the house and shut off the car...just sitting there relaxing for a few minutes. It had been one hell of a day at work. Orders had came down from above him that layoffs were effective immediately. While they didn't necessarily affect him directly, they did fall down below him to a few people that worked under him. And even though he was their boss, they were also really good friends so the news kind of hit him hard.

Driving home he had stopped by the package store and picked up a bottle. He had noticed that he had been drinking a little more since his wife had died, even though he had Charlotte there to help and take care of the kids.

He climbed out of the car and grabbed his briefcase and the paper bag. He made his way up to the door and turned the handle stepping inside. As soon as he stepped in, the kids came running over and hugged around his legs. "Haha. Hiya kiddos. Did all of you have a good day today?" He turned his eyes up and looked at Charlotte knowing the effects of the day were showing on his face. "Hi there. How are you feeling today?"
"Well I'm okay we've had a good day we've done all sorts. Now kids upstairs get your pjs on I'm sure your dad will read you all a bed time story seeing as you've been good." The kids ran upstairs. "How you feeling Shane you look stressed." She moved behind him and slowly massaged his shoulders. "God you feel stressed to. How was work." She carried on massaging him. "There's some food on the side for you if your hungry."
Usually he was quick to steal little touches with Charlotte when the kids were out of the room. She had helped him tremendously in dealing with the sudden death of his wife. Not so much physically considering as far as they had ever gotten was a lingering kiss but just being in the house with the kids and giving him someone to talk to. But today instead of an quick little flirty touches he stood there feeling her rub his shoulders and neck and began stepping away headed towards the kitchen.

"Yeah today was a rough day. I had to fire Tony, Steve and Dave today. As well as a couple others. The powers that be sent down orders for their layoffs so my hands were tied."

He walked to the counter and she watched as he pulled the bottle out of the bag and sit it down. She didn't really care for his drinking and had made her opinion known a few times. Then he looked over at the food. "Oh Charlotte...I'm not really all that hungry even though it smells delicious still. The day I had just killed my appetite. I better go read to the kiddos and tuck them in for lights out."

He came walking out of the kitchen and touched his hand to her arm as he walked past and began drudging up the steps towards the kids rooms. "Daddy's coming. You better be where you're supposed to be."
"Well we can talk about it if you want when the kids are tucked up in bed." She smiled at him. She sighed seeing the bottle she was very worried about his drinking but she had voiced these concerns but he just wouldn't listen to her. "Oh okay I will just leave it on the side just in case you get hungry later. Okay I will stay down here."She felt chills up and down her spine as he touched her arm. She was planning telling him she liked him he came downstairs after sorting the kids out her heart was racing she was so nervous. She sat on the sofa waiting for him.
He got the kids all tucked away into their beds and headed back downstairs. He turned and walked into the kitchen opening the cabinet and pulling out a small tumbler glass. Dropping a couple ice cubes in the glass he opened the bottle and poured half a glass of the brown liquor. He walked into the living room and saw Charlotte sitting on the sofa.

"I just couldn't believe it you know. Everything seemed to be going good and then out of nowhere they drop these layoffs in my lap. Three of my best guys too. I mean what the hell is really going on in their damn minds anyway?"

He took a sip and felt the bite on his tongue from the first drink as he always did. He walked and sat down and looked up at Charlotte then back down at his glass. "You know you have been a great help to myself and the kids. We all have really appreciated you being here with us." He turned his face up and looked at her with a smile. "You look like there's somethign you're wanting to say....what is it?"
"It must of been hard you were close with those guys weren't you the guys will understand its not your fault you couldn't of done anything to change so don't get upset about it." She smiled at him trying to reassure him. She tried to keep her eyes of the glass. "Oh its a pleasure to be here I adore the kids there so precious. I'm glad I get to be here for you." She smiled at him."Oh its just um I dunno how to say it I um I like you more then a friend." She looked at him as she fidgetted.
"Yes. I spoke with them all privately and they al sais that they know there was nothing I could do to stop it. But that still doesn't make it any better He took another drink from his glass as she was talking about being in the house and then smiled back at her as she smiled. Keeping the smile on his face as he looked at her...."Oh. I see. More than a friend you say? Well that is quite a revelation isn't it? I uhh...I don't really know what to say Charlotte. Uhh....how long have you been feeling like this?"
She blushed "um yeah it is a revelation I've been feeling this way for a while if you don't feel the same I understand and I don't want things to be odd between us." She fidgetted looking at him she stroked her side looking at him. She felt nervous and she was regretting telling him.
He set his glass down on the small table next to him and stood up. He walked over to stand right in front of where she was sitting then reached down and took her hand and stood her up. He looked into her eyes. "I don't see a reason things should be odd. Do you?" He raised his hand and put his palm against her cheek then leaned in and kissed her lips softly and pulled back and looked at her. Feeling her tremble slightly under his hand. "And there's no need to be nervous. I'm glad you told me."
"Well its awkward cause you don't like me the way I like you but I won't let it effect my job here." She was so nervous when he stood her up she was shaking. She trembled when he kissed her she had chills up and down her back. "Why are you glad I told you?"
"I didn't say that I didn't like you the way you like me. I didn't respond either way. I simply made a statement that there's no reason things should be odd." He slid his hand down from her face to her other hand so that he was now holding both and looked at her. "Since the kids mother died you have stepped up and been a great help and fill in to this family. I've been lonely with her gone and sank myself into work to deal with it. The little touches and kisses we have shared over the past three years have been great. Who knows? Maybe something could develop into more between us. The kids love you dearly. And I really like you being around. Your smile has a way of making a bad day seem to disappear."
She blushed "I want to be with you but I don't know if your ready to be with me. I don't want to get compared to your wife. By the way the way I work hard and how close I am to the kids has nothing to do with me liking you. I love the kids they are amazing like you." She smiled at him.
"Oh. No Charlotte. I would never compare the two of you. Yes she was special in her ways. But so are you. And her being gone is a tragedy but I can't live in the past like that. I have to be able to move on with my life....with you." He leaned down and kissed her again.
She kissed him passionately. "So you want to move on with me." She looked at him smiling. She ran her hand over his back. She wanted to be with him so much.
"Yes I want to move on with you. I have watched you more and more around the house becoming more attracted to you. I just never tok a step towards it because I wasn't sure if it was right. Your attention was always directed more towards the kids because they needed it so and I didn't want to try and interere in that. Maybe we should ask the kids what their thoughts would be on us before we try and jst throw it on them."
"Yeah I think we should talk to them the kids deserve a say. Do you want to watch movie with me in the spare room which is pretty much my room." She laughed looking at him.
He looked at her a smile spread across his face. "Watch a movie with you in your room? I was thinking of asking if you wanted to come to mine."
He turned away from the video cabinet and looked her way as a smile spread over his face. "Oh my. Charlotte you are absolutely beautiful in that."
She blushed looking at him. She smiled. "Thanks can you pour me a glass of wine please and have you chose the movie." She stroked his back softly. She kissed his neck softly. She pushed her hair out of her face.
"Of course I can pour you a glass of wine. But no I haven't picked a movie yet. There's too many to choose from. So I'll let you decide." He flet her fingers across his back and lips on his neck and took in a deep slow breath. It had been a long time since he had felt a woman's soft touch and for a moment he thought of his dead wife. Then his mind came back to the now as he looked over at her when she brushed her hair away from her eyes.
"Oh I don't know what to watch." She looked at him and smiled. "We could watch tv instead cause neither of us know what to watch." She hadn't been with a guy for quiet few months she missed the touch of a man. She didn't know if he had dated much since his wives passing. She liked him so she really wanted to be with him but she was trying not to rush things. She thought of the kiss they shared before it made her panties get a little wet.
He turned and handing her the wine glass. "That's fine we can just watch tv." He walked over to the bed and laid down on top of the covers and patted the bed next to him. "You gonna come sit next to me and get comfortable? You can bring your wine with you. I won't take it from you."
She smiled at him as she slide on the bed next to him. She sipped on her wine then she sat the glass on the bed side table. She laid down. "Is it okay if I smuggle up to you?"